Changing Weather

After finishing his breakfast, Adi who had filled his stomach now went to the living room, where later he wanted to check some unread messages, but then he was surprised to find that the messages circulating in his chat group contained many condolences.

This of course made Adi confused, what was going on so that many of his friends expressed their condolences and after Adi investigated, it turned out that their neighboring city, Bogor, was experiencing a flood, which clearly, in this case, Adi felt a little strange.

It is not without reason that the thought exists because it is now July and the month is entering the dry season, in other words, Bogor, which is currently being flooded, is a very strange event, how can it be in a dry season like this where the discharge rivers and also a little rainfall can cause flooding.

It was because of this curiosity that he began to explore further and only then did he understand that the flooding that occurred in the Bogor area was inseparable from the collapse of a large reservoir there, causing a flood and in that incident claimed several lives.

So then this is the origin of the condolences given by his friends, after realizing this Adi then became more curious because in the past few days he seemed to feel, the news he received was never far from a natural disaster so basically, this is, of course, e,m suspicious, but on the other hand, he also understood that maybe this was just something common, and coincidentally he got the news.

So then Adi started to read the news regarding the flood disaster caused by the dam breaking, and for a moment Adi was even more shocked because it turned out that the dam break was due to the subsidence of one part of the retaining wall of the dam, causing the existing structure to collapse in that section, and from there the water came flooding the surrounding residential area.

After seeing the reason behind the collapse of the dam, Adi became even more confused by what he was reading at this time, it was clear that dam had built there must have been a proper study to determine the construction of the building, moreover, the dam-building that collapsed at this time can be said to have been built since the beginning of the year he 2000s.

The lion's suitability is guaranteed, but then how come there is sudden subsidence of the ground on that side, it's like a sinkhole that suddenly appears out of nowhere, feels that there is nothing more interesting so then Adi ends his search, communicates again with his friends and ask about the progress of the events they are doing.

Adi, who received the news that their license had been completed, was now happy because the problems that had been bothering him for a while had now been resolved, and the rest was just to prepare for the language month festival as well as possible.

Of course, in this case, Adi praised the credit from his senior, namely Bro Firman, as a person who was able to handle the probproblem andgngaseeingas running so fast and it was already 11 p.m. Adi, who had lecture hours in the afternoon, immediately rushed to get ready to go to college.


You can see a group of motorbikes and cars waiting for a red light at a wide-looking crossroad, the intersection has two new roads leading to the toll entrance which has just been inaugurated by the government, as a buffer city from the capital Jakarta.

The city of Depok can be said to be a city that continues to develop, this is based on the fact that existing developments exist both within the city and in the surrounding cities so that it demands in this case the local government and also the central government to continue to develop the city.

Just like the 2 new toll roads that are now on the right and left sides of the red light intersection, which after 2 years of construction have now been completed and connect the city of Depok with the city of Bekasi on the right side, and the city of Depok with the city of Tangerang on the other side. On the left, with the two toll road accesses, it can be said that the distance between the existing cities is shorter, and in this case, time efficiency and cost efficiency can be reduced by several percent.

Don't look at those few percent, because basically when multiplied by the number of vehicles and people passing between the three cities, in a day hundreds of thousands of vehicles or even millions of vehicles will certainly be busy passing between the three cities.

Of course, in this case, if you use a normal road with lots of red lights and also existing intersections, the travel time and costs involved will be greater than the new toll roads that have now been inaugurated, cutting more than half of the journey and making time and cost travel between the three cities for the better.

"It's really hot today, even though it's only past 11, what if it's already scorched at 12," complained Adi, who was waiting for the green light

Whereas for the city of Depok which has a temperature between 30 to 32 degrees, it can be said that the hot weather is still relatively low compared to other cities in Indonesia or even in the world. Apart from geographical factors, namely being included in the tropics, the city of Depok, which is also a rainy city and also the center of lightning for the entire island of Java, can be said to have relatively more friendly weather.

However, this seems very different now, because basically, although the numbers on the temperature gauges on the street show 32 degrees, some people who see this doubt their views because he, who has lived since childhood in the city of Depok, knows that the heat of the day t's hotter than any other typical day.

Thinking of natural disasters that occur in various parts of the world and also thinking about his dreams, Adi somehow feels a bad feeling where this hot weather is like the beginning of a big event that will happen, trying to get rid of his strange thoughts someone sees the green light is now on, immediately move out of the place.

Because it's not working time now and it's also not lunchtime the road not too bussy, arrived at his campus in just half an hour, 15 minutes faster than the normal time when he had to leave in the morning.

Parked his motorbike in the parking lot, and walked towards the cafeteria area where he had an appointment with his friends, as one of the largest campuses in Jakarta also has the largest number of students, so basically, there are a lot of eating places around the campus area, however, even though the area can be said to be a lot but still when the break time comes, then soon the place to eat will be full.