Dream Continues

The big explosion shook the entire area around Adi, and in an instant, the dust was so high that it covered Adi's entire vision, which was clear when the younger brother heard the sound of such a big explosion. A moment later he felt that his vision was dark and closed, so this is when he opened his eyes and looked around only dust is visible, of course, Adi gets confused.

In this case, he didn't know what was going on, not to mention because the dust was so thick he felt short of breath, and he coughed loudly "cough...cough...cough..." Adi coughed for a while, and before long the dust that filled his entire vision now suddenly disappeared in a strong gust of wind.

This sudden change was a change that could never be imagined, where one by one the most shocking events were directly experienced by him, and of course in this case, even though Adi tried to calm himself but in reality, he was about to give up.

Because one by one the situation he is currently experiencing is not getting better, but constantly getting worse and of course, this is very draining on his physical and mental energy, Who would want to experience a situation like this if he could choose of course he wouldn't want to be in this position.

However, he also realized that this must be his dream because it was clear if this was in real life. Wasn't he already dead with such a terrible disaster that he was experiencing now, but like the first dream he had no matter how hard he tried to wake up and get out of his dream but Adi was never able to do that as if there was an invisible force that kept him from experiencing and experiencing the dream he was feeling right now?

After the dust was blown away by such strong winds, only now did the real view of what was behind the dust, and suddenly a far more tragic picture was presented in front of Adi's eyes, where he was currently standing on the rubble. the building he originally occupied.

On the other side around him there were no more intact buildings standing all collapsed and fallen apart, and only about 10 meters from him, Adi could see a large hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters now gaping in front of him, even though before the appearance of the avalanche hole that appeared suddenly, what was on the site was a beautiful garden as well as several buildings and public facilities.

Not to mention the people on the streets, now everything is invisible and sounds very quiet as if no life can be seen around him. such an extraordinary experience as it is today.

If the tsunami in his first dream drowned big cities around the world, he could be said to be just a spectator and he witnessed it from a height, but now the disaster in front of him was experienced firsthand. can be felt, however, the feeling of fear that is now felt Isn't it decreasing but as time goes on and also along with him who continues to stand in that place.

It was as if his fear had become much deeper because he felt that at this moment he could not escape from that place and could only stare and feel the terrible destruction that was now in front of him. And without noticing then tears began to flow from his eyes, he didn't know the reason he was crying was because of the terrible experience he was experiencing.

Or because he couldn't get out of that place, so he had to forcibly feel things that were so scary and painful. Adi doesn't know the reason why he is crying, it's just that he always feels in his heart that if this disaster happens in the real world.

Thinking of those closest to him who went through this, his heart broke for some reason, and it seemed as if he was unwilling to let the people he knew have to feel what he was feeling right now. If only in his dream what he was feeling now made him unbearable and wanted to scream and cry as loud as he could.

So then if this happens in the real world, then what will he feel and what will he do if he has to be faced with such a disaster, the only question now is whether he can feel all of these things, even though the question he asked himself but in fact, adi knows the answer very well, what is inside of him is that he will not be able to.

So if he had to relive what he was experiencing right now in real life, he would be helpless and also very sad. And because of that even though he was no longer strong with what he was feeling right now he tried to hold on. And like answering what he felt.

A moment later he felt that his vision was getting darker, and soon after a while he faintly felt that the darkness in front of his eyes had now changed, so then he slowly opened his eyes and a different scene was now presented in front of him.

What was in front of him at this moment was a view from a height, and when he looked around himself he realized that he was on a fairly high mountain, looking down at the mountain below, clearly visible in the distance the color of the packaging of the rice.

Seeing this scene he had felt the scene of an unbearable natural disaster, he began to doubt what was in front of him because it was not according to what he had experienced during his 2 dreams, "Is this an illusion? But if this is an illusion, then obviously too unbelievable so contrasting the scenery with one another" said Adi mumbling in a low voice seeing such a beautiful scene in front of his eyes.

Because clearly what he saw at this moment was a view of the vast expanse of rice fields as far as the eye could see, and Adi could be sure that the fertility and prosperity of nature that was seen in front of him was real. And of course, this made him doubt, Whether the twice catastrophic experience he was dreaming of right now was something of bullshit.

Because the third place he currently feels, is very different from the two places he has previously visited, especially when he looks from the top of the high mountain, the river is so clear and also very swift flowing around the rice field area.

Not to mention that he was both able to hear even though it was a bit far away, the sound of children playing around the fields and also on the banks of the river, and the feeling of peace was something fake.