Start experimenting

"riiiiiiiiiiiinggggggggggggg" the sound of the alarm ringing beside Adi's bed woke him who was currently fast asleep, not to mention when he was annoyed with the sound of the alarm because it disturbed the sweet dreams he had "damn it... haaaaaa" Adi shouted annoyed and immediately turned off the alarm beside his bed.

"Just a little more....ahhhhh..." Imagining the spring dream he was about to have, and then a moment of cold water was poured into him so that he had to wake up from the dream, Adi was feeling very upset but even though so he stays awake because basically, he has more important tasks.

Staring at the alarm clock which showed 7 am, Adi who had woken up now went to the bathroom to clean himself, greeted his mother who was cooking earlier then rushed to clean herself, after almost half an hour of cleaning himself, Adi then changed clothes and headed to the dining table.

Where breakfast has been prepared by the mother, now on the dining table there are father and also his sister, along with this his mother who brought the last menu of his breakfast has also arrived at the dining table, looking up at the dining table Which is now filled with aroma from breakfast.

Adi then felt that his stomach couldn't stand it anymore, there was nasi uduk, which is rice made with coconut milk, making the taste of the rice more savory. And also fragrant, not to mention the addition of bay leaves, and lemongrass, which add to the aroma of the nasi uduk. Besides Nasi Uduk, there are also fried eggs, with fried tempeh, chili sauce, and also cucumber as a compliment.

Eating voraciously, Adi feels that life today is very happy, gathering with his family and being able to eat together is something that seems trivial, but basically how many people miss it, so when faced with a situation where he currently feels under him ould be more grateful for the blessings he received.

After breakfast, each family has their own business, and Adi who has some plans made in the evening of course is immediately excited to go outside his house, "Dad...where is the machete?" Adi asked his father (A machete is a large knife made of iron or steel that is used to cut or cut. A machete is often used as a garden tool by the Indonesian people. Until now, a machete is still commonly used as a weapon in the martial art of silat.)

"What are you using a machete for?" Ask the father to Adi

"This is Adi's friend asking to find cassava and corn tree seeds," said Adi in reply to his father trying to find an excuse

"Ohhh where are you looking?" Ask the father again

"In Mr. Yuli's garden, Adi wants to ask," said Adi again

"Alright there, be careful with it, the machete is in the backroom," said the father

"Ok sip" Adi answered briefly and immediately headed to the back room, where the equipment was stored

Even though Adi has several plants in his yard, it is clear from his plan that these plants can be said to be unsuitable for the plan he has made, as for why he thinks to choose cassava, corn, and even sweet potatoes, it can't be separated from the use these three foodstuffs.

Unfortunately in the area, it can be said that rice fields are very rare, even though it takes a motorbike 10 to 15 minutes to get to the rice fields so Adi thinks to get what is easy, in this case, he then remembers the garden owned by his neighbor.

Note that even though Adi lives in the city of Depok, which can be considered a satellite city of the capital city of Jakarta, there is still a lot of land in the area around Adi's house that has not been used as a settlement, not to mention that according to existing data, the city of Depok itself has more than 100 hectares of rice fields. the latest data, and in the capital city of Jakarta itself as a state city, there are still almost 400 hectares of rice fields according to available data in 2021.

So then it can be said that there is still a place for Adi to look for the seeds, as for why he didn't buy them online, Adi feels that if the seed is still alive why should he look for seeds that take a longer time, what he needs is further verification of strength which is owned by space o that it is not too late in the second harvest when he returns to planting he will know more real data.

Walking past several houses, in the end after passing seven houses Adi saw farmland measuring hundreds of meters in front of him, staring at the towering cassava trees and also corn which looked ready to be harvested, with some vegetables and sweet potatoes, Adi nodded satisfied.

When Adi approached the garden area which was used as agricultural land, Adi looked at the figure of a middle-aged man who was hoeing in the agricultural area, wearing shorts and a plain shirt, the muscles of this middle-aged man who was almost 50 years old were seen.

"Morning, Mr. Yuli," said Adi to the owner of the agricultural land

And not long after, the middle-aged man named Mr. Yuli, who is currently busy hoeing, stopped his activities, with someone called him and then looked at Adi "ohhh morning Adi .." replied Mr. Yuli in a friendly manner

"Sorry, sir, if I bother you, I want to ask for help," Adi said starting a conversation

"Ohhhh what help Adi," asked Mr. Yuli again

"Well, Mr. Yuli, my friend happened to ask for help to find seeds of cassava, corn, and sweet potatoes, then Adi remembers Mr. Yuli's garden, so this time Adi is here to ask for seeds," said Adi explaining his purpose

"Oh....what do you think you are asking for help, it turns out you are asking for seeds, it's okay to take it and choose yourself," said Mr. Yuli, inviting Adi

After getting approval from Mr. Yuli, Adi then immediately chose some of the existing tree seeds, after selecting a few tree seeds Adi then saw that he clearly couldn't take the seeds in vain, so after he finished selecting the existing seeds, he again said to Mr. Yuli "Adi has finished choosing the seeds sir, and thank you in advance" said Adi gratefully

"Well... why is there so little, take Adi, is it not that much less?" Ask Mr. Yuli

"No sir, this is enough," said Adi, smiling back

"Oh yes, what do you want to do, sir?" Adi changes the subject

"I want to grow peanuts" replied Mr. Yuli who had finished preparing the land

"Oh I see, okay as a thank you, Adi help name, sir" Adi offered himself to Mr. Yuli

"Don't bother Adi, you just go home" said Mr. Yuli politely

Adi, who heard Mr. Yuli's words, knew that this was the true intention of Mr. Yuli, it could not be separated from the friendly nature of the Indonesian people, not to mention that they were from the same ethnic group, namely the Javanese, so that later basically asking for help from fellow neighbors, is a common thing in Indonesian society.

But Adi doesn't want to take advantage of what he has got, so even though Pak Yuli has rejected him, Adi insists on helping.