The world started to get restless

When the news spread, and at that time various reactions occurred from the people who saw the news. Finding that the world they live in, in this case, the earth, which looks fine, can be said to be in a diseased condition or has many holes like cloth that has been eroded by age.

Not to mention that the news that spread was going on and on, with one-day news reporting about natural disasters in one place and then the next day followed by different news about natural disasters in other parts of the world. And this went on for several days.

Thus making those who were previously apathetic about the great disaster that will occur, are now slowly but surely starting to think that it seems that everything is not as simple as they think, or in other words, they have concluded that something is wrong, but where the error originates from them. still confused and can't find the source.

And for that reason, slowly those who doubted and were also curious about the truth of the news they saw, began to try to find out with their efforts and efforts to ascertain what happened. And when they search for themselves about the information they get about natural disasters that occur in various parts of the world.

How shocked they are when they realize that, what is reported by TV and the media is only a small part of what is happening all over the world, the news that enters the media is news with a greater reporting focus and also a more comprehensive impact, not to mention the news can be accessed, so the news will appear on the TV screen. But disasters that occur in remote areas and also in various parts of the world that are not reported by the media, have a much larger number than the portion of disaster news presented.

Everything is covered by various information about various things that exist, such as economics, politics, culture, and others, all of which make news about natural disasters that occur in various parts of the world covered by this information. So then basically only a few percent of the news of natural disasters that happened had been reported by the media.

Therefore, when a small number of those who have received information about natural disasters that occur in all parts of the world, find out about it, how shocked and afraid they are about the reality they get. They never thought that the earth where they live now has been damaged in such a way.

And of the many factors that exist, one of the biggest contributors is the irresponsible behavior of humans that causes this, and from the much information they are trying to find out, there is some information that looks very interesting that they get.

In various forums about natural disasters on social media, there is an article with reliable information, which discusses the natural disaster, the article tells them that this is only the beginning of a cataclysmic disaster that will soon occur on earth. At first, they just thought that this was the work of random people or, that they were a person or group with certain interests.

But then when they see that an author is a person, they certainly start to realize that this is a little different, especially after they read the material, and the more they dig into it for some reason they realize, that the article is indeed true.

So then back again, the seeds of trust began to emerge from what was conveyed by the article. Until then in the end some people decided to believe what the article discussed in the forums they read.

And Adi as the person who wrote the material in the article can now be said to be benefiting where then the definite addition of people who believe in what he conveys, slowly but surely becomes more and more.


In a park close to campus, Adi is now alone with Ingrid, enjoying their free time in the afternoon after their lectures.

"Honey, I feel that the news that is currently being reported by various media, for some reason is very compatible with the views you gave in the articles you shared with us in class at that time," said Ingrid to adi, as she read news content on social media. about natural disasters

"Isn't that right??... I already said that a great disaster would happen, but still, everyone doubted and underestimated it.

"Not belittling, but what you said was very strange and also scary on the one hand" replied Ingrid again

"It's natural for you and the others to be afraid because indeed it is hard to believe, but it is clear that it is something that cannot be prevented and changed." Reply Adi

"Then what advice can you give?" Ingrid tries to ask again

"Starting to believe that it will happen, and prepare for something bad" Adi replied


"It makes sense what you say, like the adage, prepare an umbrella before it rains" replied Ingrid

"Therefore, dear, it can be said that we must prepare ourselves well so that we will not regret it in the future," Adi replied to Ingrid.

So then Ingrid started a longer questioning mode and Adi who had a lot of information, which he had obtained after reading a lot of materials related to natural disasters of course answered fluently the questions asked by Ingrid.

And on the other hand, Ingrid, who heard Adi's answer, was both happy and amazed, because she didn't think that her boyfriend could be said to have sufficient ability and knowledge when discussing natural disasters that are currently happening all over the world.

Even so, she is slowly but surely starting to feel that the more questions that are asked about natural disasters to Adi, and getting answers from Adi about them, it makes Ingrid more confident about the big disaster that will come as explained by Adi.

Thinking about this, Ingrid couldn't imagine what human life would be like when a natural disaster that had such tremendous power suddenly arrived. He then compared disasters that occurred locally in one area, sometimes causing great damage and sometimes even causing death to those affected by the disaster.

So when Ingrid thinks that a much bigger natural disaster is coming, then the question is. How much the natural disaster has an impact on damage both materially and spiritually to humans.