A month later

It's been a month since Adi has been trying to convince many people about the disaster that will soon befall the earth, countless ridicule and ridicule have come from people who feel that what Adi is saying is crazy, and it is clear to a certain point. sehinhha they feel that adi is a weirdo.

like at this time Adi who was standing on the edge of the fence in the front yard of his campus, was busy distributing leaflets containing information about various natural disasters that continued to occur throughout the world.

Trying to make people believe in a real disaster, and it wasn't all a joke he made up, so in this case, he tried hard to do that, because, from his one month experience of constantly convincing others, he knew that it is best to meet face to face, and also meet, then explain, if the person is interested then they will switch to chat.

And from there, what Adi will convey will be more acceptable to them, so this time he has high hopes to spread the news on his campus." Let's read the latest news.....the earth is getting old...and many natural disasters happen all over the world, prepare for the worst, and obviously, you have nothing to lose....read this info which will help you in your efforts to survive better when disaster strikes!!!" Adi shouted to the students passing by to enter and leave the campus area.

As for the question, why was he not expelled or arrested by the campus security, because the campus has the policy to facilitate the aspirations of its students to express opinions, as long as it is not disturbing and excessive, the campus will make room for them.

So when Adi does what he is doing now, there is no action from the campus security department, moreover, they know Adi, as a member of a well-known art community on his campus, Adi and his community like to make events and courses, in this case, interaction with officers campus security became commonplace.

not to mention that before doing what he is doing now, Adi has asked the security department for permission, so he can carry out his activities comfortably.

"Diiii...let's take a break, it's hot," said Fikri suggesting

"right dear, let's rest first, it's a bit late this afternoon," said Ingrid suggesting

"Ok, we rest for 1 hour," said Adi

" Yeayyy...answered the others in unison, who also helped share information

Yadi this time is not alone when he spreads information about a major disaster that will hit the earth, he is now together with 4 other people, including his girlfriend Ingrid, then Fikri, and 2 other juniors who are also from the same community, each named Desi and also Ratna.

Sitting in the campus park area which is right next to the entrance of their campus, Adi and his friends chose a bench under a shady tree, after finding a suitable place, they said to the others, "Want to eat and drink what?" Adi said asking the 3 people who helped him

"Ahhh I want orange juice, just buy Padang rice to eat," Fikri said opening his voice

"Me too, Sis," said Desi, adding

"If I drink strawberry juice, just eat it with Padang rice," said Ratna, adding

"Well, what about you honey?" Ask Adi to Ingrid

"Just be the same as the others, if I drink it I want avocado juice, then what do you order?" Ask Ingrid back to Adi

"I'm with Padang rice too, I just want rendang for the side dish, and just drink orange juice," said Adi.

After knowing the orders from each of his friends and his girlfriend, Adi then wanted to ask an office boy who was cleaning in the campus lobby to help him order food but was then saved by Ingrid. "You don't have to ask Office boy, honey, just let me be with Desi and Ratna," said Ingrid interrupting

"Oh, that's right, okay...." Adi said

So then Adi handed Inggrid the money to buy food and drinks, on the other hand, he and Fikri were waiting on the spot. And soon it was only Adi and Fikri who were now chatting with each other

Without realizing their chatter discusses what they are currently doing, "what are you sure about what you share this?" Tanya Fikri refers to the contents of the brochure they distributed about the upcoming big disaster

"Rest assured, I'm not sure, you're funny if you don't believe I'm going to keep doing this for more than a month!" Adi said replying to Fikri

"Yeah... how do you say it, now let me ask you more seriously," said Fikri with a more serious tone and corrected his sitting position to speak better

Seeing Fikri's expression and actions that look serious, of course, Adi immediately takes it seriously too

"Ok, please ask," Adi said confidently

"First who did you pay?" Ask Fikri seriously

"No one pays" Adi answered quickly

"Are you sure?" Ask Fikri

"Yes," Adi said loudly, although in his heart he said he was paid by Angel because they are not human, so they are not included in the question asked by Fikri, Adi said in his heart trying to comfort himself felt guilty

"Ok, then, what benefits do you get from your current actions?" Ask Fikri again

"Benefits.....there are some of them, satisfaction, continued relief and the rest are many just can't be explained one by one," Adi said answering

"Satisfaction???? What do you mean I don't understand?" Ask Fikri again

"Satisfaction because you've done what you believe in, regardless of people's ridicule, negative views and so on, you've done what you believe in, although you can't make many people believe at this time, I'm sure it won't take long," said Adi

"Mmmmm....ok I can understand, but somehow hearing your answer I still feel there are things that you didn't explain in detail," said Fikri commenting on Adi's answer

"Yeah. Later if you've been given responsibility, regardless of whether you can finish it or not, and you still do it according to your ability, and in the end, the result is something you don't know, accept it, because you've done what needs to be done you do" Adi replied again

And when the two continued to chat, not long after that 3 figures came over to them while bringing the food and drinks they had ordered, then the five of them started eating their food, just for information, Nasi Padang is one of the favorite foods for Indonesian people.

Those who come from the area of ​​West Sumatra, more precisely the city of Padang, a city located on the island of Sumatra, which is one of the largest islands in the territory of Indonesia. Nasi Padang is a food wrapped in food paper containing white rice, with boiled cassava leaves, chicken, or processed meat that has been cooked with spices, added with green chili sauce, as well as some additional sauce from dishes in Padang restaurants.