Gems of prambanan

After Adi and Veronika arrived at the souvenir street, parked their motorbike in the space provided, then the two of them walked together towards the sellers, who are now adding enough Semarang to offer their wares, Adi who has been to the souvenir street several times, looked down this time the merchant there is arguably not as much as before the disaster arrived.

Understandably this happened because, in a situation like today where disaster is ready to lurk, then it is clear that the souvenir traders here rely on tourism as their livelihood by selling their wares to tourists who come to Prambanan Temple.

Experiencing a fairly severe impact where now and then it can be said very little and even at the beginning of the disaster there were no tourists present so that later this caused the traders who sold here who depended their lives on the produce. The souvenir sales have to rack their brains to find other businesses that can support their families.