Malang City II

The population of Malang City is 895,387 people in 2017. With an area of ​​​​Malang City which reaches 145.28 km², the population density of Malang City reaches 6,200 people/km². Malang is the 21st largest city in Indonesia and is the 18th most populous city in Indonesia.


Most of the residents of Malang City come from the Javanese tribe. However, when compared to Javanese society in general, the Javanese in Malang have a slightly more violent and egalitarian temperament. One of the reasons is that the Malang arek typology is inspired by Ken Arok, who is told as a king who is firm and straightforward even though he is more violent. There are also a number of minority ethnic groups such as Madura, Arabs, Chinese, and others. As an educational city, Malang is also a place to live for students from various regions from all over Indonesia, even among them also form their own community forum.