Chapter 9

The words of the girl in front of him made Zevan's eyes widen. He knew very well who the poison belonged to. His eyes turned to the girl who had been looking down sharply.

"Did you hear right?" Zevan asked, holding back his emotions.

"I dare not lie, Your Majesty."

"Did you hear when they will carry out the plan?"

"They say when the sun starts to rise but not at its peak."

For a moment both Zevan and Glen were silent with the words that the girl in front of him said. Trying to think, when the sun is in a position like that is the clock that shows what number.

"Damn it!" Zevan hissed furiously. Without waiting any longer, he immediately left from there leaving the two ghosts still thinking.

"You bastard!" Glen exclaimed after being able to understand each and every one of those sentences.

"Where are you going?" The girl asked Glen who also wanted to go.

"Seeing the state of the empress!" Glen exclaimed, removing the girl's cold hand immediately running away.

"Hey wait!" The girl in the light green dress followed Glen.

Her long legs keep running in one direction at a fast speed. Can't use her teleportation power to quickly reach the cafeteria, because that would be her identity.

"Hopefully it's not too late. I beg you." Zevan's monologue in every step.


"Hey, what's wrong?" Arley was surprised when he found Zevan taking the watermelon juice he ordered from Arley's hands.

Zevan put the glass filled with juice back when his nose did not find a foreign smell there. It was his turn to take over the bowl containing the meatballs that were only half finished.



"Arley!" Sean exclaimed, catching Arley's limp body.

Zevan, who was still trying to catch the strange smell in the bowl, was surprised to hear Sean's scream. His sharp eyes turned and found something that he had not wanted before had now happened in front of his eyes.

Downstairs, on the floor to the right. Lay her lover's body which now looks limp helpless.

"Arley! What's wrong with you?" Sean exclaimed panicked by what happened to his best friend.

The strong hands carried his lover's limp body into his embrace. Wiping every bead of sweat that drips from Arley's forehead.

Meanwhile, Sean sat quietly with tears streaming down his face when he saw his best friend lying helplessly. Confused by what happened to Arley. Because all this time his friend was fine.

"Why can't I feel anything?" Arley complained looking confused.

"Shut up. I will heal you." Zevan said with tears in his eyes. His hand reached out to Arley's chest. Closing his eyes and starting to do the one thing that makes the surroundings feel even more tense.

"Stop your majesty!!" Exclaimed Simon who was aware of what the king would be.

Zevan did not listen to Simon's words. With a broken heart he continues to do what is on his mind.


"What are you doing Simon!" Zevan to Simon.

"Don't take any reckless noble actions. By doing that, your majesty will give the enemy an opening to paralyze our people!"

"If I don't do this, he will die." Zevan said in despair.

"Not! There must be another way." Simon objected, starting to think.

"If he doesn't hurry, he will die Simon! Poison is dangerous!"

Simon remained silent with his brain constantly spinning to find a solution without endangering the king's life.

"Zevan." Call Arley softly.


"What happened to me?" Arley asked, still able to speak clearly. "Am I really going to die?"

"Not. You're not going to die now Arley." Zevan objected, shaking his head slowly with tears starting to fall.

"But earlier you said~"

"Not. I will make sure that won't happen." Zevan cut in knowing what Arley was going to talk about.

"But if I die it's okay. Aren't I going to meet mama soon."

"You may die, but not now Arley. Not by being killed by the devil." Zevan said which Arley didn't understand.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, confused.

While Sean was stunned by what he heard. Likewise Glen and the girl in the light green dress who was now standing there. Now Glen understands, if it was the demons who wanted to kill Arley.

"Your Excellency! We must immediately bring the empress to Anna." Exclaimed Simon who had found a way out. 

"Poison can only be defeated with poison. And as far as I know, if Anna is a poison expert in hell." He added explaining to Zevan.

Without a word Zevan carried Arley's weak body. Staring at Sean who is still sitting confused by what happened. Also some of the cafeteria residents who apparently haven't moved all this time.

"You know what you have to do." Zevan said to one of his right hands who had the duty to protect Arley.

"As per your majesty's orders." Obediently understood what Zevan meant.

After that Zevan brought Arley's body with him. Disappear like a shadow swallowed by darkness.


"I entrust Arley to you Anna. Do what you need to do. And make sure Arley won't die because of the poison belonging to the demons." Zevan said when he arrived at Anna's house.

"Fine, Your Majesty." Obedient Anna who immediately understood what the king meant.

"Trust me. You will be safe and fine." Zevan said, stroking Arley's brown mane which was now in his subconscious..

After making sure Arley was safe in Anna's hands, Zevan immediately returned to his castle.

"Send an open declaration of war to the demons! Tomorrow we will fight to the last drop of blood." Zevan exclaimed after all the Alphas as well as Beta and some Omegas gathered in the palace.

"Your orders are an obligation on our majesty!" exclaimed in unison who were in the palace of the king of hell.

"Order the Omegas to immediately practice their combat skills, some of the Alphas accompany the Omegas to train. And you Betas, immediately prepare a strategy and discuss it with the Alphas to be able to determine the best strategy that we can use. Later I will also give advice on war strategy this time." Zevan ordered again.

"Fine, Your Majesty!"

"Eliminate the demons and make sure their descendants won't dare touch the empress until the time comes here! This war isn't just about protecting the empress! But also fighting for our pride which the demons have often underestimated! The dignity of the work of hell is in your hands! Cheers to the people of hell!"

"Long live the king Zevan Zain Davis!" Simon shouted echoing in the palace.

"Long live the king Zevan Zain Davis!" In unison everyone shouted the name of their king again.

The fiery spirit is evident in the great hall of the kingdom of hell. They have been silent for a long time, not responding to every action from the demons who always cause trouble with the kingdom of hell. 

Now open war will be held tomorrow after the day has changed. Defending the life of the empress who was threatened by the demons. Making sure the destiny of the empress of the kingdom of hell will be according to the destiny that has been written.

Not only making sure their empress's life is safe. But there is also a part of them who hold a grudge against the demons who often do trouble in the kingdom of hell.

Tomorrow with their own hands as well as their own strength, the knights of the kingdom of hell will annihilate the entire demon clan. Until later, no one will dare to just stare at them.
