Fake or Lie

Glen Pov

I am scared cause of what happened this morning. I didn't expect my parents would return this soon. My mind was messed up since I heard the news of Ian's condition. After we kissed, I woke up the next morning by my bestie's phone call. She is the one who informed me that he fainted, she also told me that they couldn't find the reason why he fainted.

Either than freaking out I don't know what else to do. I wanted to see him immediately but I couldn't find the courage to go to him. I know where he lives, in the middle of the forest. Before I reach him I will be dead by panic attacks. I begged her to bring him here to me. Dan and Dave brought him to me.

They helped me to set him in my guest room. After they left. I have just been there next to him without moving an inch. I was worried sick by seeing him immobile. He always screams dominant now he sleeping peacefully. My eyes swelled with fresh tears. I knew him only for a few days but he capitatived my heart, occupied a special throne in my heart.

I checked him often whether he was awake or not. I couldn't get any sleep the night he came here. The next day I was thinking about many scenarios and what-if questions. I wonder why am I so worried about him so much? Am I in love with him? But it is so soon to declare such a strong word for the relationship I have with him. Can one kiss give this deep impression to never leave a person for a lifetime?

It's not about lust but I want his presence which feels so right to me. I never felt like this before not even with Leo. I had a crush on him but never felt this immersed connection with him like a soulmate. What am I thinking? Did I go crazy? Even so, I am happy cause I am crazy about Ian. With these thoughts I let the darkness engulf me.

I run as fast I can through a thick, fogged, and dark forest where the trees are tall only have a few leaves hanging here and there. The ground is slippery and muddy. My breath is rugged. I can't run steadily without tripping cause of the muddy black soil. A chill fear crept all along my body. I wiped flowing tears to see better through my blurry eyes. I licked my dry lips. I didn't dare to turn back cause I know I was running for my dear life in search of a safe place.

I crossed two big oak trees. Suddenly a relief washed over me. I felt safe, the forest here is much bright than the earlier one, still dark but not as dark as the first one. Moonlight laminate its light through the bushy flowery trees in-between its branches. I slow down my running pace. I observed the surrounding, it's quite beautiful, I stopped running, bend a little rested my palms on my knees, and catch my breath. When I filled my burning lungs with enough oxygen. I sighed and began to walk further to find a way out. I felt a gentle breeze touch me to make my cold blood fear the end. I feel warm and fuzzy.

When I walked deep in, I saw the beautiful lake which is black and full moon displayed in wavy water making the water sparkle and shiny. I felt giddy, there are many flowers spread near the shore. I walked close to the lake and dipped my bare feet in the cold water. I felt content. My good thoughts get snapped when I heard twerking. I turned to see the source but there is nothing behind me.

I stepped back from the lake and decided to get out of here as soon as possible. I ran along the shore of the lake to find the way out but it lead to a little high cliff. I heard the rustling sounds again. I turned again, there is a shadow, I swallowed the lump in my throat. I didn't feel like running, instead, I felt curious to know what is there.

I waited there to what will come out from the shadow. I saw shiny golden pair of eyes. Then there came out a large pitch-black wolf which is so big. I was so small that I didn't even reach is front limb halfway. It snarled at me first. I felt like I was glued in my place, I can't even move an inch. When it took a step further its snarls stopped, it inflated its ears, its eyes soften, it lowered its head towards me.

Still, my legs were nailed to the ground. Its snout wetted my cheek. I felt its breath, it let out its big pink thick rough tongue and licked my cheek and neck. I moaned when it wetted my neck. I lift my hand and ran my little fingers through its soft shiny fur. That's when I heard that deep manic voice, "GOTCHA" I snapped my head towards the source. I saw only the silver eyes. Again I felt cold blood fear.

I turned to see the wolf which disappeared now. I am all alone now back in the fogged deadly forest. I began to run again but was now in search of the golden-eyed wolf. My run came to halt when the silver eyes stood before me.

I opened my eyes all sweaty and panting with tears flowing like a river. I wiped it and turned to see Ian still unconscious. When I turned to see the digital display it reads 3 AM. I sighed, I want to feel safe so I crawled above Ian, hugged him tightly. His smelt like the soil when it rains mixed with woodsy. I wonder how he smells like this when he didn't take a shower for two days. I shrugged off the thoughts and rested my face in his puffed-out chest and slept again.

I woke up when I feel someone creasing my cheek. When I opened my eyes I met the beautiful onyx pair staring at me with adoration that's when I realized I was still on him. He is awake, I felt so happy to see him again. When he beckoned me to come near him, I walked towards him and sat on his lap. We kissed. That's when I heard my mom yell, "What the hell?"

We both parted from one another and turned towards them. He let me go. I ran to them. They both were shocked to see Ian. He extended his hand towards my dad and introduced himself to him, "Hi sir, I am Ian Alexander and I am Glen's boyfriend. Nice to meet you" My dad grabbed his hand still not recovered from the shock. Ian waved at my mom.

He kissed the crown of my head and said, "See you soon princess" with that he walked towards the exit. When he shut the door behind him and walked out of our sight. My mom scoffed and walked towards their bedroom. Without sparing a glance to me my dad followed her. I felt lonely again. I was expecting at least a yell from my parents for not telling them about Ian or allowing him to stay over but nothing they just walked away like this or me doesn't matter to them.

That's true though. I ran to the guestroom, picked the pillows which Ian used, and ran back to my room upstairs. I looked on my bed holding tight his pillow and bawled out my eyes. I feel so tired of all this shit after crying my heart out I slept in tired. When I opened my eyes it was already dark outside. My eyes felt sore and stringy. My throat is dry I need water so I decided to get some. My clock shows two in the morning so I tiptoed not to make noise which will wake up my parents.

After I fetched enough water and walked back to the stairs then I noticed my dad's office door was opened slightly with the light on. Curiously, got beat out of me. I peeked in, I saw my parents, having a heated conversation. I guessed it about their business. I sighed and was about to turn my heels but stopped when I heard my name.

I pushed the door a little bit to hear them. My mom said, "I told you to be more careful you said we have more time. See what happened" My dad replied, "I didn't expect this ok. What is done is done can you give me any solution?" Mom voiced, "It's your fault so better fix it yourself" Dad scoffed and said, "Ok then I will kill this bitch. All solved, I am tired of pretending to be a father to the useless bitch like her"

I closed my mouth to muffle my sob. I can't believe what am I hearing now. I swallowed the tears and continue to hear them. Mom yelled, "Are you out of mind? You know we will get killed by him. He wants her alive and healthy. We should continue till he wants us to. Just focus on the problem. Ok?"

I can't hear anymore. The only thing confirmed is I am not their daughter. Other things are not so important, right? I walked out of the so-called house from the back door. Again the voice in the back of my mind voiced, "Go to find our mate" By hearing that voice only one face popped into my mind it was Ian. I fell on my knees in the street and wailed heavily.

To be continued.