Conflicted Feelings

Ian Pov

My little mate is stronger than I saw her last time. She was amazing back then, she thought she could make me submit to her. I don't want to embarrass her before everyone when her other two mates submitted easily to her. I give in after pretending like defeated by her lightweight kicks with her little cute feet. When she is with her other two mates she didn't get bothered but when she is with me I smelt her arousal. I felt her need for me. Kai wanted to claim her from the moment he saw her.

When she left the hall. I stood on my feet with chin up emitting my Alpha Lycan hormones to dominate others in the hall. As expected all submitted by baring their neck. His other two mates didn't bare their necks. They glared into my eyes. By seeing their audacity to look into my eyes I get that they were purebloods in their clans. They too show their powerful presence.