Mind Control

Glen Pov

After Ian knew that Shylus is lurking around, he said that we were not safe here so we returned to the Dao realm this morning. He went to arrange a meeting to discuss about what Shylus did to me. I am trying to accept myself as Ian asked me to. I was relaxing until they call me for a meeting. We made wild and rough rounds before we came here so I was so tired.

I snuggled into his bed yep we both moved into the same room. I inhaled his rainy forest scent on his pillow and let darkness engulf me. I stirred a little when I felt someone touching my cheek. I opened my eyes slowly and saw hazel eyes staring straight into my eyes. My eyes went wide to see it was not my mate but another. I panicked, sat straight, scooted back, and let wander my eyes around the room and saw the same room which is bright sometime before is now dull and dim with green mist surrounding.