
The screams outside grew louder and louder throughout Wereal.  Tears broke out as the announcement of the execution was dropped.  Lyra rebelled because she wanted to talk to Duke Kleo.  But her plea was like a cloud of smoke in the air, dissipated quickly.

  "I beg!" she pleaded, pounding on the door, now begging the guards to free her.  Her knuckles were bloody, scarred from abrasions.  "Let me out!  I'll talk to Lord Kleo!  I beg, please!  I want to ask forgiveness for the two maids who are about to be executed.  He will listen to me!"

  But unfortunately, her screams did nothing, except for a hoarse and sore throat.  Her body collapsed again, accompanied by several maids she didn't recognize.  She wanted to meet with Ella and Gena to share all the fears that gripped her heart.  Her shoulders were shaking, like convulsions.