Caught Someone

  "Spies?"  Duke Kleo frowned as he put down the ink from his hand.  His busy days seemed to get worse after hearing this news, especially from a girl who had stolen his heart.

  Lyra nodded approvingly as if this was the question she had been waiting for her whole life.  Her blonde hair was blown away beautifully, glowing in the light of the lamp.  "Yes," she said firmly.  "Spies," she continued.  "You have to hurry before…they attack Wereal."

  Dragging a chair and patting the cushion, he asked her to sit there.  Like a gallant knight, he led her to it.  "Where did you hear the news?"  Like sparks burning in his eyes, glowing over the light of a lamp.  "Is this just a joke so I can't finish my work so I don't have time to ask you to grant my one wish?"