Just Wait For Me!

  "We will take a bath together," Tania whispered, embracing Baron Jason's neck even tighter so she wouldn't fall out of his arms.  With light steps, she was led to the bathroom, which was located not far from the bed.

  "Are you excited?"  he asked, seduced, while combing her body parts, all over.  "Soon we will be exercising together.  I'm sure you'll sweat a lot later.  Wait!"  While grinning, he stepped into the bathroom area.

  Her gaze didn't take her eyes off him, who looked very alluring as well as charming.  Looking back, it seemed that he never failed to captivate her.  This just happened, as if fate and the universe were cheering them on, coming to support them.

  "Say something," he whispered into her ear, exhaling warm and tickling breaths, tormenting her sweetly.  Lowering her to lay on the bathtub, watching her squirm.  "You're very sexy, making me want to slide inside you over and over."