Lure Duke Kleo

"Looks like I still have to think of some way to get out of here on good terms," ​​Lyra said, smiling uncomfortably at Tania.

  "Why don't you just walk away?"  asked Tania selfishly.  "This is your life. You can do whatever you want right? Come on!"  She is very bossy and pushy.

  "I've done it in the past. And I almost got executed by Lord Kleo. It's not easy. I have to be careful." 

"But he loves you. He will definitely let you go right?"

  "That's why. Because he loves me," Lyra whispered.  "Which makes him won't let me go." 

Tania clenched her fists in annoyance.  Her lips pursed in annoyance.  'Did she think she was that great?'  she thought. 'I'm greater than her, prettier than her.' Oh, if only Lyra knows about Tania's dirty heart. 'I still have a chance to win Lord Kleo's heart. I just need to step forward now and all of this will be over. He will be mine!'