Tania is Under Siege

One-sided conclusion, no matter what.  Lyra wanted to grab it right away to digest all this.  'Pregnant?  Tiny pregnant?  With Kleo?'  Her whole world shattered, even for a moment she seemed to be dazed and lost her balance, including her consciousness as well as her motor.

  Meanwhile, Tania was still babbling, even though she knew she had managed to destroy Lyra.  "I know I've slept with Lord Jason. But I don't think what we've done is as much as what Lord Kleo has done."  Covering her face, then sobbing.  "I was afraid to tell you this, Lily!"  Using the most familiar nickname when you want to lie?  Manipulative or psychopathic?  "I'm just worried if you fall into a dark hole like you used to."

  Lyra's back went limp, and everything crumbled.