Chapter 1- Wake up in MHA

Nakamura Sachiko remembered falling asleep in her dormitory at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech last night. But, when she opened her eyes in the morning, she found herself lying on a hospital bed.

'What the heck? I don't remember getting injured?' Sachiko thought.

She shifts on her bed slightly as she tries to figure out if there is a piece of her memory missing because it is impossible for her to suddenly wake up at a hospital, if her memory serves well, it is.

"She's awake."

Sachiko hears an unfamiliar voice and looks in the direction where it came from.

It is a doctor in a duty coat and beside him, there is also a boy and a man.

"Who are you?"

Sachiko sits up in her bed, then asks.

"I'm Ishikawa Yoshio, a doctor from this hospital. This is Detective Tsukauchi."

The doctor pauses and points to the man in a long coat.

"And this is..."

"Mirio Togata." The muscular boy with blonde hair introduces himself.

"Oh, okay. I'm Nakamura Sachiko."

"So, Nakamura, is it okay if I take some statements from you now?" Detective Tsukauchi asks.

"Did something happen?"

Sachiko scratches her head slightly.

"Well, there was a villain attack last night and Mirio kun here found you lying unconscious," Detective says.

"Lying unconscious?"

Sachiko blinked in confusion.

"Yes, we were worried that you got injured in a villain attack and sent you to the hospital but doctor Ishikawa here assures that you didn't sustain any physical injuries."

Mirio explains.

'Wait, villain attack?'

Sachiko feels that the word was too familiar, then she remembers.

'Detective Tsukauchi? Mirio Togata?'

Sachiko looks at the said two and it clicked.

"Don't tell me I'm in MHA." She mutters to herself.

"Are you okay?" Mirio asks.

"Yea..Yeah." Sachiko says with a cough.

"Good. Then, can you tell us what happened?" Detective asks again.

'Hm? What should I answer? I doubt this world will have my records...' Sachiko thought.

"Well..... I can't actually remember anything except my name." She lies. She knows that detective Tsukauchi's quirk can register lies but, disabling his ability to register her lies is a piece of cake for her. As such, Tsukauchi doesn't register any lies when she says that.

However, the doctor was perplexed. They took CT scans last night as she didn't wake up for hours despite the lack of visible physical injuries.

"That's strange. The CT scan didn't show anything that could result in amnesia." Doctor Ishikawa says.

"But, I can't remember anything. Maybe your machine malfunctioned?" Sachiko says.

"Oh right, my head kinda hurts." She continued.


"Should we take a CT scan again?" The doctor says.

"I have no objections. I mean I wanna know if my head's really okay." Sachiko replies.

"Alright then."

With that, the doctor leaves to prepare.

"So, do you remember anything else? Like your quirk?"

Detective Tsukauchi asks after the doctor leaves.

"Yeah, I guess. It has something to do with energy manipulation. I can manipulate that energy to attack or protect myself, that kind of thing." Sachiko answers.

As for her Possibility, she doesn't plan to tell them. After all, where's the fun in that?

Registering no lies, Tsukauchi nods.

"All right, since you don't remember anything else, we will take a leave for now," Tsukauchi says afterward.

"Okay." Sachiko nods in reply.

After the duo leaves, Sachiko is left with her own thoughts.

'Damn, I still can't believe I got transmigrated? Or crossed the worlds? What's the word called? I can't remember.'

'Anyway, do I still look like me? I should go and check.'

Soon, Sachiko stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

She sees her reflection in the mirror; wavy silver hair and hazel eyes stare right back at her, her face looks quite the same. The only difference is that she looks a few years younger than she was, probably about 15 and her height is now about 160 cm.

"I'm 15 again? Why?"

Sachiko feels like crying. She was reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen world nineteen years ago and now she was forced to deage again?

Is fate playing with her or something?

"Being 15 sucks. I know because I was forced to go to school for two lives." Sachiko says with a sigh.


About an hour later, Sachiko got a second CT scan and the results are rather shocking because it shows that she had an injury in her brain that could lead to long-term amnesia.

While the doctors are trying to figure out how they missed an injury like this, Sachiko secretly laughs.

'Maybe it's not so bad.'