Chapter 11- Quirk Assessment Test

"Whoever comes last in the overall score of these eight categories will be expelled." Aizawa says with a sadistic grin.

"Oh no..." Midoriya mutters.

'I can't be last. I can't get the last place or I'll be letting All Might down.'

"This is getting more fun!" Sachiko says with a grin.

Aizawa stares at her at that, but Sachiko says with a giggle, "The threat only works if I'm weak which I am not. I'm the strongest."

"I can't believe I'm getting used to stealing Gojo sensei's phrase." She mutters to herself.

"What do you mean you're the strongest?!" Bakugo yells angrily at her.

"I state the facts." Sachiko replies.

Meanwhile, Uraraka is upset over the expulsion, "How can you expel us on our first day? It's unfair."

"Natural diseasters, enormous accidents and selfish villains. We never know when they will strike. Japan is filled with unfairness and heroes work hard to overturn those dire situations. If you just want to have fun with your friends, too bad. U.A will continue to give you trials within these three years." Aizawa says.

"Over and beyond. Plus Ultra! Come with all you've got." Aizawa continues.

At a corner, All Might is peeking at the situation with a worried face.


1st Test, 50 m dash

Sachiko gets ready to dash once the timer starts. Iida is the one beside her lane.


Sachiko uses her cursed energy to enhance her legs' movement and speed and creates a blast to push her forward faster.

Sachiko arrives the finish line at 2.12 seconds.

Iida uses his leg engine and arrives the finish lane in 3.04 seconds.

'I can only go to three gears in a 50 meter dash.' Iida thinks, then glances at Sachiko, 'She's even faster than me? How?'

Aizawa looks at them, 'By taking this quirk assessment test, it becomes apparent on which they can do and which they can't do.'

Tsuyu and Uraraka runs after them.

Tsuyu takes 5.58 seconds while Uraraka takes 7.15 seconds.

Then, it's Bakugo and Midoriya's turn.

Bakugo crosses the finish line after 4.13 seconds.

Midoriya takes 7.02 seconds.


2nd Test, Grip Test

Midoriya is distressed as he can't utilize One for All and his grip test shows 56.0 kg.

"You're amazing! Five hundred and forty kilograms? Are you a gorilla?" Sero exclaims, looking at Shouji Mezou.

Then, Sachiko uses her cursed energy to grip the device.

The device emits a sound and the digits show "1111 kg".

"Well, I just love 11:11." Sachiko says with a smile.

"One...thousand one hundred and eleven kilograms?!" Midoriya exclaims.

Todoroki Shouto looks at Sachiko from afar.

'It seems that you will be my greatest opponent.'


3rd Test, Standing Long Jump

Sachiko casually clears the sandbox with no difficulty.


Sachiko also manages to clear the rest of the tests with no difficulties at all, she even gets the first place in almost every test.

Then, Aizawa shows the results to everyone.

1st - Nakamura Sachiko

2nd - Yaoyorozu Momo

3rd - Todoroki Shouto

4th - Bakugo Katsuki

5th - Iida Tenya

6th- Tokoyami Fumikage

7th - Shouji Mezou

8th- Ojiro Mashirao

9th- Kirishima Ejiro

10th - Ashido Mina

11th - Uraraka Ochaco

12th- Koda Koji

13th - Sato Rikido

14th - Asui Tsuyu

15th - Aoyama Yuga

16th - Sero Hanta

17th - Kaminari Denki

18th - Kyoka Jiro

19th - Hagakure Toru

20th - Mineta Minoru

21st - Midoriya Izuku

Midoriya almost got expelled but after showing his potential by doing what he could at the time, Aizawa lies that it was a trick to make everyone go all out.

After that, everyone except Sachiko is allowed to leave.

Aizawa says, "Nakamura, I've been watching you this whole time and I can tell that you're not going all out. I told everyone to give it their all. So, what's your reason?"

Sachiko is caught off guard by the sudden question as she didn't expect to get questioned like this.

After a few seconds, she replies with a chuckle, "It's simple. Theoratically, I can't go all out. Now, you may ask why?"

Sachiko pauses, makes eye contact with Aizawa and continues, "Nothing can handle my power in this world."

Aizawa frowns and is about to refute when Sachiko grabs the grip test machine, again.

"Now, please take a look at this, sensei."

She grips the machine again and concentrates more cursed energy.

The numbers rises and rises until the machine breaks and says Error.

"And the soft ball test? I'll show it to you." Sachiko says.

She holds the soft ball and unleashes more cursed energy than the last time to throw the ball.

This time, the wave of cursed energy makes a huge impact as it travels to the sky, pushing the ball in a high velocity.

The sheer impact makes everyone except Sachiko step back a bit.

"50,000 meters."

"If I go more than this, this city will get damn earthquakes." Sachiko says.

As Aizawa knows that is likely to happen, he frowns. He studies her for a moment and can't help but think, "This girl...seems dangerous. I can feel that there's a lot more to her quirk than she let us know."