Chapter 22.

Lilian's pov

My chest burns. It feels like somebody has used a heated iron rod to brand the skin around my lungs. I writhed in agony, twisting as much as I could, fully aware it wouldn't reduce the pain but still persisting as I didn't know what to do with this influx of hurt.. ' What's going on? why does it hurt so much?, this doesn't feel like something I'm allergic to, have I preharps been poisoned?'. My thoughts mashed together in my chaotic mind bouncing from one point to another like a pinball machine. I try to focus on my surroundings and after a moment I can feel myself swaying almost like I'm being carried.

I painstakingly try to open my eyes, my eyelids feeling like they had been weighed by iron weights. A brief squint reveals the blurry outline of a masculine face. The owner of said face appears to be carrying me as he walks towards somewhere,my eyes are burning regardless of me being unable to see anything.