Chapter 25.


I spread my arms and feet as wide as I can, feeling punch drunk as I drag my arms through the smooth surface of what I assume to be grass. hmm, that's weird, I wasn't expecting the grass to feel comfy but unexpectedly it does. I abruptly seat up and as my blurry vision starts to steady reality strikes. This place, it's our room, not just that but I'm naked, butt naked. I'm startled, not just because I woke up naked in my room but because there seemed to be something moving in the bed. Quickly, I pull up the duvet and find Nelson still deep in sleep, did he carry me here? "If you stare any harder you're gonna bore holes in my head." Nelson suddenly says. 

 Startled, I panicked a bit before doing the only logical thing I could think of, which was subsequently wrapping the duvet around myself. "Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize. "Did I wake you?" I start to panic not wanting to annoy him or cause any problems.