Chapter 69. Losing Her.

I slowly walked to the mansion, keeping my arms raised as i did so.

"Lilian it's okay…" that was a lie. It most definitely wasn't okay. I was losing Lilian and If we couldn't cure her in the next three days she would be gone. Permanently.

Lilian made a clicking noise as she scrambled into the house. I swallowed before following. I could hear the sound of matt and Rona walking behind me. It was nice that they were still trying to help even after rona had been hurt.

However as i soon as i stepped foot into the recieving room i got a face full of teacup. I stumbled in shock, my hands cradling my cheek. There was a piece of glass stuck in my face and with a wince i pulled it out, grimacing at the blood trickling down my face. I was kind of relieved that Lilian hadn't thrown the knife.

Lilian made a wounded noise at the sight of the blood, her limbs freezing as she hyperventilated. I quickly drop the shard and lift my hands again.