Chapter 81. Path.

After a long night of that stressful night, I had to take off the heavy gown and put on something a lot lighter and comfortable and crashed on the bed. Everything Daniel said began to replay in my head and I asked myself how I can change or what I can at least do to change. Everything that came out of his mouth was without a doubt true, I had to change. I couldn't keep on holding on to my past. My curse hasn't manifested yet and so I can do whatever I want with this little time I have left.

Knock knock!

I knocked at Daniel's door who was changing. I could see his thick solid six packs abs as he took off his sweaty wet shirt. Maybe I was being plain ignorant but damn, he's good looking and we'll build plus I'm pretty sure it's not the first time I'm saying such. "Stop drooling, you make me flinch sometimes, I can literally feel your piercing perverted gaze right now."