The Talking Rabbit

I checked the so-called "membership card" which looked nothing but a thinner paperboard with "Sratol City Public Library" and its logo printed on it which is a book and a quill inside a circle. Below it were four horizontal lines that has to be filled with the librarian and the owner's name, the current and the expiry date.

I was surprised when I saw the date. I could hardly believe it! It says it's currently July 16, 1521! I really thought I'm in the 17th century something because steam-powered locomotives and ferries were already invented. Does that mean that this world, whatever it's called develops faster than Earth?

"Is anything the matter?" The librarian asked me which roused me from my stupor.

"Uh… Nothing. Can I ask where can I find anything about the kingdom?"

"On the main floor, they're not hard to find."

I didn't have to ask where the main floor is located because there was a library map posted on the wall opposite the librarian's desk. So after thanking him, I immediately headed there.

I scanned through the rows of leather-bound books until my eyes finally caught one which might have exactly what I needed. "The Lumor Kingdom Latest Edition by Nord Altmer"

I took it with me to the desk by the window. It's kind of heavy.

What's written on the very first page was "The Lumor Kingdom History Summary".

"One of the three major nations located on the Eastern Continent. Founded by the Claymoore family in the midst of the warring era exactly in the year 826. Was named after Lumar Claymoore who was the first to be crowned as the King. In its earlier years, it was called Lumar Kingdom but was then changed to Lumor Kingdom as time passed.

"For years, the Lumor Kingdom has had a hereditary monarchy in which the crown is automatically passed down as a family inheritance to the youngest regardless of gender. But in the year 1201, Lumor Kingdom transitioned into an elective monarchy in which the king will be selected through an election."

I skipped some of the pages because I don't think knowing the eras in chronological order will help me with my current situation.

"Berkton City - The capital of the Lumor Kingdom. Has a population of around 1.76 million people. Divided into three parts: (1) High District; (2) Central District; (3) Low District."

Berkton? Isn't that where Kai is headed?

The following pages were about the information of the major cities in the Lumor Kingdom. The next was about the currency.

"Lumor Kingdom uses Lumorian Demi (LMD) as its currency. Demi notes consist of 100, 50, and 20. All three demi notes have the current king's portrait, Charles Wellington II, printed on the front. While it has the Lumorian Palace at the back. The corresponding amount of each note was printed on both the upper right and lower left corner back to back. They also vary in color. Red for 100, Green for 50, and yellow for 20. All three demi notes are 15x6.04 centimeters.

"While the Lumorian Demi coins consist of 10, 5, and 1. Demi coins are made from copper, zink, and nickel resulting it to have a brassy color. At the front is the current king's side view portrait besides the large number indicating the amount. While at the back is the Lumorian eagle which can only be found in the Lumor Kingdom. All three demi coins are 26 millimeters in diameter and 2.05 millimeters in thickness."

I continued reading until I finally felt hunger so I closed the book and returned it to where I took it.


To go back to the apartment, I had to pass through the wet market. From there, I will have to take the underground stairs, pass through the dimly-lit tunnel which was absolutely not a suitable place for claustrophobic people. Climb another set of stairs which will take me to the place where there are rows of almost identical-looking apartments and buildings.

Yes, that's where I'm supposed to be at by this time but for some reason, I'm somehow stuck in the tunnel facing a white-haired young man smiling at me innocently but in contrast to his smile, his eyes are looking at me like I am some sort of food or a treasure trove. I know, I could have just ignored him but he was just impossible to ignore especially if he's looking at me so "passionately".

"Uhh… Hi? Is anything the matter?"

Without any say or any warning, he strode towards me and said, "I'm Ethan Meyer, and I am giving you the permission to call me by my name, Ethan." as he shoved his pale hand to me which I reflexively shook. "I'm… Jack."

"Hello, Mr. Jack. Like what I've said, I'm Ethan and I came to meet you because I thought you will be needing my help."

"Huh? But I don't recall asking for help though?"

"Yes, you didn't but your behavior suggest that you're new here and is basically ignorant… about the place." This—Does he have a talent for infuriating anyone around him or something? But let's be real though, indeed I am kind of new here. My soul that is.

"Also, I don't know the reason exactly but you seem to be lacking in money so I will teach you how to earn while you're in this kingdom. Sounds good, yeah?" he said as if he's just gotten me the most genius idea ever. Wait, how does this person even know that?! Was he following me without me noticing?

"Okay, you're not making any sense right now but exactly how are you going to help me?" Just as I finished speaking, he snapped his fingers and said, "Great! I'll see you tonight!"


But without giving further explanations at all, he left. Just like that.

"Wai—" And I can no longer see his back.

What the hell was that? Was that a prank? Or was that a thing in this world?

After that small encounter, I headed straight to the apartment. Ate lunch and basically didn't go out anymore for the rest of the day until it was already night.

Seated on the wooden chair in my room, I began to practice writing like your good ol' grade-schooler. Since I decided that I will become Jack Miller from now on, it's weird if people would think that Jack suddenly forgot how to write especially since he was a graduate of Sriatol University, right? But I realized one problem. I was originally left-handed but looking at Jack's memories, he seemed to be right-handed. Should I follow my soul or my new body?

Minutes later as I immersed myself into repeatedly writing the alphabets in rows, I suddenly heard a "click" in the window. Apparently, somebody threw a pebble. I stood to check who threw it but when I opened the window, a small white rabbit hopped into my room.

"What the…" It hopped nimbly as it circled the room before it stopped exactly in front of me.

I wasn't surprised to see that this energetic furry animal was able to get here inside even if it was on the third floor since there was a fire escape ladder in this apartment even if it's rundown. But could a rabbit be smart enough to use it? Or maybe it woke up this morning and just whimsically decided, "For a change, I'll climb the fire escape ladder tonight!" Heh! That can't be…

I squatted down and reached my hand in an attempt to pet it but it backed off to avoid me. Somehow I felt like... I was turned down.

Moments later, it hopped onto my chair and stood on its hind legs. We're now even since I'm still squatted on the floor.

"Ahem! Now it's better."