Author's Note!!

To everyone who is reading this at this moment, thank you!

There were a few things I would like to say before you start reading the actual story:

1. "The JOKER" was inspired by the "Lord of the Mysteries" by Cuttlefish that Loves Diving. But hold your horses people! When I say inspired, I don't mean "copy". Rest assured that there will be no arcana cards, tarot club, fights between deities, etc. In short, I won't be copying LOTM's plot, just the transmigration trope. It's just that as soon as I finished reading LOTM, all the emptiness I never knew existed within me suddenly resurfaced all at once. I had a hard time moving on with that story that I read it over and over again. While in the midst of my painful wait for book 2, I was hit by a sudden flash of inspiration and thus, giving birth to this story. But seriously tho, why does it sound like a romantic confession? Anyway, moving forward.

2. This story is slow-paced, especially in the beginning chapters. But not slow to the point that you would want to slam your head onto the wall due to the lack of events and excessive turtle pacing. I just wanted Jack Miller (the protagonist) to be relatable and have proper motivations for why he's doing things. I don't want him to dive headfirst into action while we don't even understand him as a human being. I wanted him to be relatable, not easily forgotten, and have realistic motivation. Don't worry tho, it may be slow-paced but I don't like putting fillers in my stories. So you can be sure that every chapter has its own purpose. (though they may be short)

3. Though I mentioned suicide in the synopsis, I wanted to clarify this to you guys. I AM NOT GLORIFYING SUICIDE. I wanted to show the effect it has on the living left behind. Also, though there will be violence in the future, the protagonist will not, and will never become a mindless murderer. If ever he actually killed someone, it is not without reason.

4. Lastly, I am not a native English speaker. But I love writing stories. It's a form of release for me. So please don't be disappointed if ever you see grammatical errors and punctuation misplacement every here and there. To be honest, I edit the chapter multiple times before posting them (but they become shorter whenever I do because I remove the wordy sentences). I also use Grammarly and I plan to go on premium once I become a little bit richer in the future. But for now, please bear with it guys. If you see any errors, please do a paragraph comment and tell me it needed fixing (if it's not too much to ask).

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Thank you so much, everyone!!

– Your beloved bunnyrabbit.