WebNovelThe JOKER31.58%


Play it cool, Sean. Just play it cool!

Mr. Carlos hadn't planned this all along, right? I mean, everything was just a coincidence, right?

"If you say so, Mr. Jack. But still—did you bring some with you?" Concern lacing his voice. "Here," he said as he handed me a glass of water.

Even though I actually took one before coming here, I can't possibly refuse and say I don't need it. There's no way they're gonna buy that lame excuse!

But it can't possibly have any negative effects, right? For some reason, a glimpse of which I swallowed four bottles of medicine to take my own life flash before my eyes in a split second.

I don't know exactly how I look in their eyes at this moment but I can only be sure of one thing. I'm scared.

"Mr. Jack?" Brought back to reality, I realized that I messed up. Mr. Carlos still holding a glass, Alicia with a confused look on her face, and Dominick albeit hard to notice—slightly irritated.

"Oh! Yes, forgive my folly, Mr. Carlos. My mind slipped for a moment."

I accepted the glass and took the muscle relaxant from my breast pocket.

My fingers slightly trembled when I was unwrapping the white tablet.

Calm down, Sean. It's not as strong as the ones you took. It's just one tablet, it won't kill you.

With utmost mental effort, I downed it with the glass of water. And at that moment, I realized. I never wanted to die after all. I was just—tired.

Heck! Who even want to kill themselves?

Somehow, something disgusting slowly crept into my system, carresing my heart, injecting a feeling of regret. Slowly suffocating me.

"Thank you, Mr. Carlos. And forgive me for needlessly worrying you." I said as I slightly bowed toward him. I turned to Alicia and Dominick who were up until now, still looking at me. "To you as well."

"No, I was partly at fault why you have to suffer anyway, Mr. Jack. If only I asked the doctor back then to do a thorough check-up on you, you might have healed faster with proper medication. So if anything, forgive me."

I can sense the sincerity from his voice so I didn't doubt his intention this time. Only, I still have a lot of unasked questions for him.

After we moved on from that little "commotion", we finally had the tea. The actual reason why we're here in the first place.

So far, Mr. Carlos had been acting rather normally. But I don't understand why the heck am I so wary of him. It's not that he did me wrong or whatever. But these days, I seem to find every single thing suspicious.

I wonder when exactly did it start.

"So I was saying, Mr. Jack. How can I compensate you?" he asked after taking a small sip of tea.

While Alicia and Dominick were silently doing their thing beside me, Mr. Carlos had been talking to me.

"I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Carlos. But really, you don't have to compensate me. It's enough that you invited us for tea."

Though I said that, I haven't taken a sip even once. I was only swirling and smelling it, pretending to enjoy the leafy and milky aroma. I'm too wary for my own good. But I can't really be too careful.

"Don't be like that, Mr. Jack. Though I am ashamed to admit this, but this is also for myself—to ease my guilt. So please, don't refuse. Ever since you left the hospital that day, I had been ruminating if I should send you an apology gift instead. Besides, my daughter also did something horrible to you. This is the least that I can do."


Refusing him stubbornly would be rude. Not to mention, the two had been observing me. I bet they have a billion questions by now. Should I prepare myself?

"I see." I thought for a while. For a second, I almost spouted 'just give me some cash'. But that would destroy the 'gentleman' image I've built up for myself in front of him. So I went against it.

"Then, can you tell me about those paintings, Mr. Carlos?" I said as I pointed where they were hung.

"You're interested in paintings, Mr. Jack? I never expected that."

"Well… I can't blame you."

He seemed to have been relieved that I didn't refuse him again this time since his face brightened.

"I might disappoint you, Mr. Jack. These paintings were all sent by my daughter, Patricia two weeks ago. I don't really know much about these paintings specifically. I'm sorry."

Huh? Patricia again?

"What about this Mr. Jack. Since I now know that you have your interest toward paintings, how about I send you some. Please, don't refuse."