WebNovelThe JOKER56.14%


I read through the whole first chapter. And I gotta admit, the concept was pretty interesting. But it's definitely not the type of story I would like to read. From the slightly dramatic narration at the beginning, the point of view suddenly shifted into a first-person limited. And yes, the story was now told in the perspective of that glutton will o' wisp.

And then the rest of the first chapter was nothing but the monotonous narration of Levi's mundane day-to-day living. It's a slice of life! And since according to this book, will o' wisps are incapable of emotions, you can probably guess how boring and lifeless the narration was. I dreaded the idea that I still have to read the three whole series.

I mean… do I have a choice? To act as Jack Miller as efficiently as I can, I have to at least know his likes and dislikes. Just like what Ethan told me, I'm way too inconsistent.

I was about to flip to the next chapter when I heard a knock on the door. It was Mr. Gab, the landlord. He has this grumpy look on his face. His eyes were slightly red and puffy as though he had just woken up.

"You got a package downstairs," he told me.

Sigh! So it seems that the delivery disturbed his sleep.

I don't understand this man. He could have just simply let the delivery man climb upstairs. But that was the very last thing he'll probably do. Be it the delivery man or the mailman, he'd like everyone to pass through him first. He suspects every single thing — I mean literally. Even go as far as fearing that we'll secretly have someone deliver some explosives to us and blow his whole apartment.

There's nothing the tenants could do. We tried reasoning with him that there's no way we'll ever do that but he's not gonna budge. He was so hellbent on his rule. And since this apartment is one of the cheapest that has a decent condition, we have no choice but to somehow agree. But of course, only in the condition that he won't open our mails.

At first, he didn't want to. He'd like to see the contents of our packages. But he soon gave in. Grudgingly that is.

He was catching his breath as soon as we got down. Massaging his knees — probably in pain due to the fact that he was overweight and has to go up and down the steep stairs.

Sigh! It's also one reason why we don't want him to trouble himself going personally to us whenever we have delivery. We can't help but be guilty. Especially those who are staying on the second and the third floor.

The package was a flat wooden chest with an intricate design. It was obvious that the one who carved this was very skilled and has a good artistic sense. Let's not mention that it must be very expensive. Who could have sent me this?

As I was signing the proof of delivery, I can see Madam Helen craning her neck through her window. Her rounded eyes narrowed as she was focusing on the package. And as soon as the delivery man left, I covertly gave her direction a quick glance and saw that she was now whispering to the women behind her.

This woman is helpless.

Shaking my head, I lifted the chest from the ground and turned to return to my room. But then halfway before I reached the stairs, I halted and faced the landlord. "Mr. Gab, really. There are no explosives inside. You can leave now."

He scrutinized me and the chest. "Hmph! Was only checkin'," he said before turning his back on me and disappeared into the door.

Seriously, this man. He should trust people more. It would definitely lessen that sour look on his face.

As soon as I got inside the room, I didn't waste any time and opened the chest. The contents were wrapped in a smooth white cloth. There was a letter on top. I tore it open and found out that it was from Mr. Carlos.

"Good day, Mr. Jack!

"How are you? These are the promised paintings. But forgive me if they weren't exactly new. I asked my daughter, Patricia to look for paintings similar to the ones you saw in the drawing-room. But unfortunately, she failed to find another one. She cannot find the artist either.

"And so, I thought I could just send you those three paintings. They seemed to be to your liking but sadly, they aren't my taste.

"And oh! My daughter said she was sorry for her behavior at the hospital. She wanted to tell you in person but she doesn't have the guts to face you right now.

"I hope you do not hold grudges, Mr. Jack. I also wish to maintain the friendly relationship we have right now.

"Best regards,

"Carlos Devitt."

Exactly after I read the letter, my hands trembled, and immediately, I stuffed it back into the chest. Slammed it shut and wrapped my blanket around it before throwing it onto the furthest corner.

I don't care how expensive that was. Anything but those paintings. I'd rather stay at Mr. Vlad's castle than be with that. I can almost see the chest oozing with black aura.