Q & A

1. Will there be a harem?

NO. There won't be. And even if I'd love to, I'm not a good harem writer. I'll only botch the story if I forced it. I'm not anti-harem per se. In fact, I've read quite a lot of harem stories that are good just like Mushoku Tensei. I'm just not up for the job.

2. Will there be a romance?

YES. But at this point, I'm still debating whether I should go for a sad or a happy ending. Romance will only be a subplot. And honestly, I am currently leaning toward a platonic relationship. I just felt like this type of relationship is so underrated, especially on this platform. It's wholesome, you know? Two people don't always have to get heated on the bed to develop a romantic feeling. Nor do they have to have a toxic and abusive relationship that seems to go in circles with no real direction. I find that annoying tbh. Nor a one-sided relationship that only treats the other as a social trophy. But the question is why do I feel like it has somehow turned into a rant? Anyway, moving on.

3. Will Jack stay as a coward forever?

Hmm… I admit Jack was a tad of a coward in the beginning but he will have to work that out in the future. Throughout the story, he will receive both positive and negative character arcs. I just thought I should show his wimpy side, especially in Volume 1 because, at this point, he's still adjusting. If you think it's annoying then I'd love to see you try being badass and all if you one day found yourself in a body of a different person in a world you've no idea of.

4. What about the pacing?

Volume 1 is especially slow as I am still laying some of the groundwork. This story is quite heavy in mystery you see that's why I don't think going for a fast-paced start is a good idea. And oh! Here's the fun stuff. Did you know that there is foreshadowing in every chapter? That's why when we get to the so-called "BIG REVEAL" [as cliche as it may sound], you won't feel cheated… hopefully. Just to let you know that I am a sucker for mysteries and if an author decided to have a plot twist with no foreshadowing or warning whatsoever and would just then say, "HA! You didn't expect that, did you? Surprise! A plot twist!" [THAT'S ANNOYING AF!!!!!!] And again, why did it turn into a rant? Anyway, it's currently at chapter 62 when I'm writing this but with all the foreshadowing that I gave you so far if you piece them together, you can somewhat predict what will happen maybe until chapter 80 or so. The pacing will pick up somewhere around volume 2.

5. Why first-person limited?

TBH, I originally thought of using a third-person omniscient but then it's a mystery and I thought that discovering the clues and this world along with the protagonist would be fun. I mean, it's not fun at all if we already know the answer before we even reached the ending of the story. Would it?

But though I said that, I have to warn you that this book isn't perfect. If you're looking for something in the level of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones… then this book might not be for you. I'm just a borderline shut-in who doesn't like to socialize but loves storytelling in some way or the other.

Also, if you're someone who prefers an author who does mass releases every other day then again, this might not be for you. I value quality over quantity. At best, I can only upload 1-2 chaps a day. I'm not a writing machine you see. But there's one thing I can tell you with confidence. I am quite intentional with what I write. I'd rather skip a day of upload than putting something on a whim that's totally unrelated to the plot.

And lastly, with the review. If it's not too much to ask. Please tell me the area I should work on. The character's voice, the pacing, the dialogue, the narration, grammar, plot, etc. You can be a tad harsh, don't worry. It will definitely help me a lot in improving my writing skills. And of course, in giving you a better chapter as well.

Thanks for the support!!

— bunnyrabbit