WebNovelThe JOKER68.42%

Why don’t you join me for a drink?

If you're nervous, just smile, they said. If you're in an awkward situation, just crack a joke or something, they said. As it will help lighten the mood and make a good impression, they said. But why the heck is this happening?

You must be wondering, but I'm currently seated in front of a woman. Yes. A woman. A very stunning woman indeed. She's funny, she's good at conversation, she laughs a lot, and most importantly, she seems to understand me a lot.

I know, right? Isn't she amazing? She's the type of woman I might wanna date if not for her lower half. And I meant that literally. I hope I didn't sound like a jerk there for a second.

She's got blue hair that drapes down her waist. Ocean blue eyes. A perfect set of teeth. I've never seen a face more symmetrical than hers. But her lower half isn't that of a human. For there are scaly purple tentacles in place to where her feet are supposed to be.

"Come on, Sean. Don't hold back for there's more," she said as she poured more drinks into my goblet using one of her tentacles.

But the question is how exactly did this happen?

Well, I remember saying goodbye to Mashneh. I also remember walking with Mister Forcas as we headed to his master whom I supposed was the primordial being I have to meet tonight.

I remember getting into a hall. And into the hallway where there were human size sculptures adorned with gold and silver on either side. We reached a dead end not long after that. Nothing's in there except for a tunnel just enough for a baby elephant to fit in.

Mister Forcas told me to crawl inside. He also told me he couldn't come with me from thereon. And that I should be able to meet his master once I reached the end of that curious tunnel.

I did exactly what I was told. I crawled into the tunnel after bidding him goodbye. It was dark inside with a permeating damp earthy smell.

Halfway through and that's when I noticed that something was amiss. There's that sweet smell again! Still suspicious of what happened earlier, I immediately made a mask out of my handkerchief.

And just when I thought nothing would go wrong anymore, I started hearing bells. An out of tune and unsynchronized clanging of bells. I couldn't quite figure out its source. But I remember picking up my pace because I had the weird premonition of something bad happening if I stayed there any longer.

And guess what? I couldn't be any more correct! Because not long after that, I began seeing the silhouette of my siblings. I also realized I'm no longer in the tunnel but instead, I found myself in a… room? Not quite. It's like a place with no end. With no borders.

Smoke in different pastel colors hovered all over the place and they don't blend. Moving in a dream-like fashion. Almost surreal.

Luca and Dylan, my siblings were in front of me. Their faces are a little hazy but I know they're smiling at me. Waving their hands at me.

I'm aware they're not my siblings because they never behaved like that. But somehow, there was a pang somewhere in my chest.

"Follow us, brother Sean." They both said. The real Luca and Dylan never called me brother Sean. Just Sean. But I followed them regardless. You may call me an idiot because I even thought so myself at that point.

They ran past me, shoving some of the smoke sideways.

"Wait for me you two!"

They're quite fast so I began running.

"Brother Sean, this way!" It was Dylan who shouted that while Luca prised one of the floor tiles and flung it to the side. And after giving me one last glance, they both jumped into the spot where the tile was once and disappeared from my sight completely.

I quickly went to follow them and found that there was a slide going underneath. And oddly enough, I didn't hesitate sliding down. But I never saw them again after that.

I landed on a cotton-like cushion. Quickly scanning my surroundings, I knew I'm in a different place yet again.

The room I found myself in was so grand and elegant. The draperies were all adorned with gold and silver. And somehow, I felt that that was my final destination.

"You're finally here, Sean." said the voice I don't recognize. It belonged to a woman. I jerked my head to my back. A blue-haired woman holding a goblet with her… tentacle?

"Why don't you join me for a drink?" she said.