WebNovelThe JOKER71.93%


Despite the cold biting into my flesh and bones, I traversed through the seemingly endless ocean of fog hovering all over the place, blurring the flickering orange light from the tiny creature called mortema.

"Are we there yet?" I asked with a tinge of impatience. I've been following it for quite some time already but I don't think we're anywhere near our destination. It didn't really help that my cheeks and my nose felt like they were rubbed raw from the cold. You couldn't really blame me at this point.


"Speak the language I can understand, can't you?"


Ha! This is pathetic.

"Nevermind. Just do what you have to do."

It continued guiding the way. Every second passing was very jarring. As if it was testing my self-restraint to the limits.


And at last, the mortema stopped. It was now facing me, looking at me with its grasshopper-like eyes. Behind it was a stair made with gold and silver. A great amount of fog oozing from the top.


"Should I climb?"


"Well, I guess that's a yes."

I placed my foot on the first step and seeing that the mortema didn't react, I slowly climb upwards all while being extra cautious.

It wasn't very high so I immediately reached the top. There's nothing else in there except for the intricately carved wooden podium.

"Myuuuuu!" The mortema zoomed past me and hovered excitedly on top of the podium.

"What?" I went near it and suddenly, it bit my right hand.

"Ow! Why'd you do that? Look, it's bleeding!" I tried tying it with my handkerchief since it was bleeding quite a lot as it bit me near my pulse. "I haven't even broken any promises yet. Are you trying to kill me already?"

"Myu!" It said while profusely shaking its tiny head.

"No? Then what was that for?" As I said that, the floor by my feet glowed a crimson light. That was where some of my blood dripped.

Some of the light quickly devoured my legs and some went to the podium. The next scenes happened way too fast. What I remembered last were the blinding crimson light and the deafening metal screeches and the maddening voice muttering some incoherent words — echoing to every corner of my head.

"Sean. you bastard! Why haven't you told me?"

Dirty mugs and wrappers on the floor. School textbooks on the table and by my front was… "K-Karl? You're — You're alive?"

"The hell are you talking about, idiot? Have you finally gone mad? Of course, I am!" he said. "So? I heard from Eli you're quitting school."

"You're really alive? I mean, you're real, right?" I can't believe it. But what about Jack? I looked at my hands but they didn't belong to Jack. They're mine. These are my hands.

"Eh? I am? But — Hey! Where are you going?"

I rushed to the bathroom. I'm currently in Karl's apartment. The exact apartment where he died. I can't be mistaken. The scene was still very fresh in my mind. I can vividly recall every second of it.

"You're kidding me." My reflection in the mirror didn't show Jack but instead, it was my face when I was still Sean. Greasy dark hair, brown eyes, and a face riddled with pimples.

I splashed my face with water and at that moment, I knew I wasn't just imagining things as I can feel the water clearly. Many times I would have a dream in this body but I never felt any sensation of some sort.

"Is anything wrong, Sean?"

"N-No. Uhm… Just leave me alone for a minute, please."

"Oookay? I'll be in the kitchen. I'll whip something for dinner. You're really fine, are you?" I just nodded at him and with that, he left.

'What the heck is happening?'

The scent of bleach, the soap, and shampoo. It felt so real. I can't be hallucinating, right? I looked at myself in the mirror again. It's really me.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to see Karl. He was cooking some instant noodles.

"What are you staring for, idiot?"

Based on how he looks right now, it seemed to be around three years before he killed himself.

"Karl," I said as I squeezed his shoulder. "I need you to promise me something."

"Wha — What are you talking about? You're acting strange today, you're aw—"

"LISTEN TO ME!" I can't help but shout. He seemed to be greatly surprised by that and I don't care. If it's real or a hallucination I'm not sure anymore. But if there's a chance of stopping him from killing himself this time, I'm willing to do anything.

"Karl, please. Please, promise me. That whatever happens, you will not kill yourself. Understand?"

"Huh? Are you crazy? Why would I do that?"

"Just say you won't! Is it really that hard?"

"Fine. Fine. I won't. But first, let's eat. You must be very hungry that you started spouting nonsense. You're scaring me, dude."