WebNovelThe JOKER83.33%

The Snitch

Still in the cubicle, I mulled over what Ombre said. "Some things that are better left unknown, huh."

I mean, he's not wrong but some things just have to be known too, you know?

Ha! I really should practice this illusion-casting thing.

Like what I did last night, I tried feeling the almost non-existent tiny thread of connection I have with the mortema.

As I did that, I can feel the scar-like eye tattoo on my chest heat up followed by the explosion of purplish particles. They were of varying patterns. Moving at a varying speed. Hovering all over the place.

I already saw it last night, but I want to make sure.

With due effort, I tried leading them into my shadow. I managed to get a few of them in.

And just like what happened last night, as if it has a life of its own, my shadow began moving outside of my control. Separated itself from me and stood by my front.

But now that I am more clear-headed, I can finally see all the details. My shadow still looked like me. I mean, Jack. Not Sean. Only, it has a seam that runs across the center and was stitched together.

What does this mean?

Afraid people might get suspicious of a toilet locked from the inside, I pulled away from the connection. And almost instantly, the particles vanished. My shadow was back to normal.

Ha! There are so many things to do. I have to learn to control this ability and I still have a promise to fulfill. There's no time to rest, Sean.

I unlocked the door and was greeted by Alviar. He was waiting by the door.

"Uhh… How — How long have you been here?" I asked him. He won't get suspicious, will he?

"Less than five minutes. The other participants in the tent told me you're probably in the toilet," he said.

"Oh! I see. Well, uhm… Is there anything I should do?"

"Yes. In fact, I needed your thumbprint. I already processed your registration so you won't have to do it anymore. But they won't give us your number unless they've got your thumbprint."

"Sure, and thanks. Where should I go?"

"I'll accompany you."


Alviar led me to another tent. This one is much bigger than the one earlier. And I am guessing this one was for the organizers.

"Miss Callista, I brought him with me," Alviar said to the lady who was buried under the piles of papers and boxes on her desk.

"You're number thirteen, right?" she asked.


"Okay, give me a minute." And she rummaged through the piles and took one folder out. She opened it and scanned it before looking at me, "You're Jack Miller?"

"Yes miss."

"Okay, press your thumb here and stamp it here," she said as she shoved an ink pad towards me. I followed her instructions and I think… that's it?

No, I don't think so because she stood up from her chair and motioned me to come with her.

"Sit there on the stool and wait for me, please." She told me while pointing to the stool with a white backdrop behind it.

Alviar just stood in the corner, watching the process while I followed the lady with my eyes. She was assembling a camera. Just like the one I saw in one of the rooms in the agency. The one Mr. Alec told me to never enter unless given permission.

And just like what Mr. Alec did that time, she took out a rectangular plate, wet it, inserted it into the camera, and went under the black cloth. She also motioned to reposition many times.

"Don't smile, and don't move. Just look at the lens, please." she told me. "Okay. In three, two, one."


And the photo was taken.

She took the plate out and immediately soaked it in some sort of liquid chemical and a black and white image appeared on the plate.

"I think it's good enough. You can have your number after I submitted this to Mr. Dwayne. I'll have you called when it's ready."

We left the tent after thanking her.

"Uhm… Can I ask you something?" I asked Alviar.

"Go ahead."

"Why is this game called snitch again?"

Honestly, it baffles me to this day. A football is called football because the players are kicking the ball with their feet. Volleyball because the ball has to volley back and forth over the net. I don't see any logic behind calling this game a snitch when it's only a race through the giant maze with a twist.

"It's because the one who invented this game was a snitch."


"He was a spy from a neighboring kingdom. Sent to spy on us. But then he thought that if he turned on his kingdom and offer his loyalty to the king, our current king, he won't have to risk his life anymore. Because he knows for a fact that after he has fulfilled his duty, he will be disposed of. You can probably guess what happened next. He snitched on his country and we won a landslide victory. That sums it all up. The rest are history."

"That… was crazy."