WebNovelThe JOKER85.96%


Count Norman and Oliver left. Alviar tapped my shoulder and motioned me to the tent. And then he said, "I didn't know you were close with the count."

"Not really. I wouldn't say we're close. I just happened to have worked for him before."

"I see. But I think his son really likes you though."

"That… I won't deny."

We got inside the tent. Immediately, everyone jerked their heads in our direction. That includes Bella, Juan, and the other three in the tent earlier, and a few more faces I don't quite recognize.

"Hey! It's thirteen! Did you see that one at the front gate? He has a lot of fans!" said the man who has a mohawked haircut to the man beside him who also has a mohawked haircut.

"Your voice, Magma. It's too loud."

"It's fine!"

"Jack! Alviar! C'mere an' sit with us." It was Juan.

I gave Alviar a shot, waiting for whatever his response may be. But if it were all up to me, then I would kindly decline. Aside from the flirty glances Bella was giving me, I just couldn't bring myself to be comfortable in their presence. Especially after seeing her shadow.

And shadow, huh. I side-eyed Alviar's shadow. It was normal. I can't get rid of what I saw earlier. I hoped I hadn't seen that. But what can I do? I couldn't unsee it anymore.

Alviar smiled at Juan. A smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Wait! Are they not on good terms? For a moment, I thought I saw sparks flying with their short eye contact. But whatever. I couldn't care less about their relationship.

"Of course, Juan. Who am I to decline?" he said.

Now sitting on a stool beside the two people I wish I hadn't known. Bella's no longer sitting on his lap which I'm really grateful for.

"So. Did you follow my advice, Alviar?" Juan asked.

"The fact that I didn't forfeit and that I didn't arrived here alone probably answered your question."

Juan laughed. Though I doubt if it's even real. And he said, "Didn't lose some snark, huh." And he looked at me. "So Jack, I'm assuming you work with that guy?" he asked me.

"Uhm… Which guy are you talking about?"

"The one who wears glasses. You know, the one who runs that odd agency."

"Oh! Do you mean to say, Mr. Alec Ward?"

"Sorry. Is that his name? I don't quite remember. But I think the name of the agency is bloodhound. An equally weird name unfitting for the line of service they're offering."

"I do work there."

"I see. What is it like? You know, working there."

"It's fine."

"C'mon! Don't be stingy with your answer. Tell me, what's it like to have that guy as a boss?"

"I don't intend to offend you. But why are you asking me this again? Are you two acquainted?"

"No. That's why I'm asking."

"Then I suggest you visit the agency and see for yourself."

Our conversation pretty much ended there because somebody entered the tent.

"Hello, participants! I'm Dwayne. Nice to meet you all again." He sweep his eyes across everyone and said, "And thirteen, Jack Miller. Where are you?"

"Yes, mister?"

"Oh! There you are. Here, take your number and pin it to your back. And everyone, get outta here and go to the starting line. We're about to start."

"And by the way. Let's have a fair game. Okay?" he added.

Alviar offered to pin my number on my back and like everyone else, we headed to the starting line.

We've only been at the back area this whole time, off-limits to the audience. But now that we're finally at the main arena, I realized just how big this place is. It never registered to me earlier when we arrived.

The people cheered the moment we showed ourselves. By our front is a giant maze twice my height. And the benches were elevated so they could see what was happening inside the maze. Some even brought binoculars with them.

There were posters and banners with different numbers and names on them. And by the front seat, I clearly saw it. Waving a small flag with a large number thirteen on it while wearing a bandana on his forehead. It was Haru.