WebNovelThe JOKER96.49%


It was my third time coming here using the same method, but this time seemed to be a tad different. There was a subtle change in the atmosphere. Was it more… welcoming?

"So you finally got yourself some worth, huh." Hariric scoffed at Ethan.

"Don't get me started, Hariric," Ethan warned. "There's a more pressing issue at hand."

Hariric scoffed at him and more smoke puffed out of his nostrils, then he turned to me. "Everybody's waiting. Follow me," he told me and turned his back on us, and headed to the door. We followed, of course. Ethan didn't speak a word after that. And whatever it was that happened to them in the past that caused them to be at each other's throats whenever they met, I can pretty much guess that Ethan did something to earn it.

We entered the same room we had last time. There was a large round table by the center. Surrounding it were chairs that didn't match and don't follow any specific aesthetic. The others are crooked. Some are flowery. There's one that looked like it belonged to a giant with only three barely normal-looking chairs.




Tiny voices saying the word, "welcome" repeatedly was what greeted me the moment I stepped inside. I looked up and discovered a bunch of frogs wearing cowboy hats on the walls and on the ceiling. Wait! They can talk? They only stopped when I gave them a slight nod. They took their cowboy hats off, brought them to their chest, and bowed slightly. Only then did they completely merge back to the background.

Everyone I know was already here. Victor and Monica, Mr. Chaffer, and Mr. Vlad. The two that I met last time were also here. The walking lump of bones and the boy who wore dirty overalls, a striped long-sleeved shirt, and a straw hat. If I remember it right, I think his name was Aylmer.

Like last time, I took the seat between Ethan and Hariric. They're still not talking to each other. And I find it uncomfortable that everyone's eyes were on me. Especially Aylmer. Although I'm not looking at him, I can feel his gaze at me and it's very unsettling. If his gaze can injure people, I'd long be in the hospital.

Mr. Vlad looked at the lump of bones and sighed. "Where's your owner?" he asked.

"HE… NO… COME… HE… NOT… LIKE…" the bone said. But wait! I can understand it?

"Tell him he needed to come and that I needed him to be here. Tell him he'll surely regret it if he's not here yet in five minutes." Mr. Vlad told the bone — his tone was threatening.

"O…KAY," the bone replied before it got down from the chair. It would creak — literally — whenever it moves. Its arms that looked like they belonged to an orangutan were being dragged to the floor as it walked towards the door.

"I'm sorry for that, Mr. Jack." Mr. Vlad told me.

"No. I don't mind at all."

He swept his eyes across everyone and snapped his fingers. "Before anything else, I'd like to congratulate you, Mr. Jack. You're a peculiar at last! You will become part of us officially starting tonight. And that calls for a celebration." Aylmer clapped enthusiastically.

Probably getting the hints Mr. Vlad was giving him, Mr. Chaffer pulled out a bell from his sleeve and rang it. Seconds later, the door slammed open. Food carts with no one pushing them entered. They went in our direction and the dishes on it flew on our table. They were mostly desserts. Wine bottles floated in the air and poured wine onto the wine glasses. After all that was done, the food carts moved in the opposite direction at full speed and crashed into the wall as they disappeared into a pearly white smoke.


While everyone drank their wine, I can't help myself but look at Victor and Monica. I mean, how are they gonna drink? It's normal for me to get curious, right? They're skeletons after all. But I can't help but slack my jaw when I saw them chug it and it went straight to their ribs but before it could reach the other parts of their… bones? It evaporated.

"Don't stare too much, Mr. Jack. You're making them uncomfortable." Ethan whispered to me.

"Oh! I'm — I'm sorry."

Hariric scoffed by my side hearing our conversation. He really hates Ethan, huh. I side-eyed Ethan and saw him grating the slice of carrot with his front teeth. Heh! He's telling me that but this Aylmer over here is doing the exact thing.

He's been staring at me rather intently now and I am starting to get self-conscious. I shot him a smile. An awkward one. He smiled back at me but didn't say anything. Now what? It's getting worse somehow.

"Uhm… Excuse me. But d'you have anything or something to tell me?"

"Nothing. Just lookin' at you."

What the heck?

And now he moved his eyes to Ethan, and back to me, and back to Ethan…

"Hey! Tell me. How'd you met?" he asked.


"I mean you and this guy," he said while pointing to Ethan. "How did you met? I heard you're both close to each other."

Why is he asking me this again?

Probably noticing the confusion on my face, he chuckled and said. "Don't get the wrong idea. Really. Just curious. Did you know that this guy is very hard to befriend? So tell me. How did you met?"

I looked at Ethan — trying to ask for help because I don't know what this guy is talking about. But the jerk had his back on me and he doesn't care one bit. I noticed that Mr. Chaffer was listening to us too. Mr. Vlad was just looking — not doing anything.

I parted my lips — about to say something. But the door slammed open. A person wearing a suit sauntered in.

"Finally! You're here!" Mr. Vlad said.

I don't know if my eyes are fooling me or something. But in my front is a man I'm very familiar with. VERY. Because it was Mr. Alec.