Chapter 14: The date (1):

I woke up at around 7 from hearing my roommates bustling around to get changed. " Why are you guys getting ready so early?" I asked "Early? It's already 8. Young master Qi is picking us up at 11 no?" replied Cheng Li. " Didn't it just turn 7?" I stammered whilst pointing to the big clock on the wall. " No, that clock broke down, I forgot to tell you. It's 8.12 right now," she stated whilst showing me her phone. "Ah," I screamed whilst running towards the toilet nearly pushing Fang Feng out of the way "What's up with her?" I heard Fang Feng ask before I closed the bathroom door. A few moments later, I freshened myself up and sat down with the rest to eat a quick breakfast. After that, I went to search through my wardrobe to find a suitable outfit. "Xiao Qing what are you going to wear?" Wei Wei asked. She was wearing a white t-shirt that had the word 'you've got this' written in italics and a navy blue, high waist, skinny jeans. Holding a navy blue tote bag. She had parted her hair and braided a single strand. She had done her light mascara with gold eye shadow and light pink blush with cherry red lip gloss. Her makeup gave her the look of an innocent lady though she was anything but that.

" I'm not sure, there's mostly T-shirts and jeans in here. Besides the dresses don't suit the occasion," I replied. " I probably wear that then,". Hearing this everyone turned in my direction and shouted " No,". 'Oh'. So in turn they also ransacked their wardrobes to see if I could borrow anything from them, we had narrowed it down to two one-piece dresses. The first one was a whitish pinkish shirt with a light pink skirt. On top of it was a thin black belt with a rose gold bow in the middle. The second one was just a blue silky dress complied with a white cardigan. 'I preferred this one beside the second one did not fit me as my waist was a few inches smaller than Fang Feng's. So I'll choose the one Cheng Li gave me. " Let's go with Cheng Li's one," I decided as Cheng Li nodded. "I'll be careful with it and give it back to you after I washed it,".

Cheng Li was wearing a light grey t-shirt and light blue shorts holding a light blue bag. She was wearing a flower pendant ring and necklace I gave her on her birthday a few months ago. Fang Feng was wearing a white shirt shoulder length it was a bit puffy on the end but it was cute. She was wearing peach shorts with a white belt, and also holding a white shoulder bag with heart-shaped earrings. I had decided to grab a pink shoulder bag and along with my pink theme I was wearing flower earrings, a necklace and rings. We decided to wear trainers according to our clothes theme. I chose light pink air max trainers that made me look an inch taller. Fang Feng was wearing white trainers and Cheng Li and Wei Wei were wearing blue trainers. All of our hair was let done to shoulder length with mine being a bit curly.

At exactly 11 am Qi Yan had arrived downstairs in casual clothing we gasp in surprise as he open the car door and escorted us in ' wow, he looks even more handsome in casual clothing'. He was wearing a thin black jacket with a grey t-shirt and black jeans. 'When he put both of his hands in his pockets he looked so handsome. The other three were sitting at the back and I had hopped in next to Qi Yan. " You smell nice," Qi Yan muttered. ' I almost jump out of my seat when Qi Yan said that. Was it directed to me I wonder?'. " Are you talking about me?" I asked, " hmmm," he replied as I blushed a bright red. He leaned towards me and I closed my eyes 'Is he going to kiss me like in the dramas I've seen ?' but the kiss never came instead he was pulling on my seat belt for me, I open my eyes as Qi Yan's face was directly in mine, a minute past and a weird atmosphere in the air could be felt until someone coughed I turned towards my friends as they were curiously watching our every move. "I need some popcorn," Wei Wei announced as we all laughed. The car started to move and Qi Yan put it on autopilot with the GPS set, on autopilot the car would drive us to the place itself. "Oh yeah Hui Qing, why did you close your eyes a moment ago? Were you expecting something to happen?" Qi Yan asked as the others laughed, I glared at them as they silence themselves. " I feel like we are third-wheeling, the life of a single dog" signed Fang Feng. Qi Yan laughed along with us heartily. "So where are we going?" the quiet Cheng Li asked. "The aquarium first and then to Golden Dragon for lunch. Is that ok with you guys?" replied Qi Yan. They all nodded in reply.

* Ding! Ding!* the sound of a notification alerted me to look on my phone. On the group chat between us four was Cheng Li asking if Qi Yan could afford all of us to eat at Golden Dragon:

Qing <3: Qi family has a lot of money but everyone knows that food at Golden Dragon is anything but cheap so you guys better order less and don't take advantage ok?

Xiao Feng: ok

Cheng Li: 👍

Wei Wei: 👌

Breaking the quiet atmosphere Qi Yan asked what major they were all studying. " I'm majoring in psychology, Wei Wei is majoring in law and Cheng Li is majoring in medicine," answered Fang Feng as we all continue chatting I failed to notice that we'd already arrived so quickly. "We are here," announced Qi Yan. We all stepped out of the car and walked over to the entrance where a man dressed in a suit was waiting for us. "Young master Qi, we've been waiting for you please come through this way," mentioned the manager I suppose. As he led us into the aquarium entrance.