Chapter 19

She continued wiping off the wounds on Jaysa's back. "So what exactly happen in the storage? You never said anything when she came back." Jaysa decided to tell Eric about what happened that day in the shed. About the young boy that she met and what type of attitude he had. She even told her about the kiss that he placed on her twice. "So, do you think that was the same person as the Prince?" Erica asked.

"To tell you the truth, I'm really not quite sure." Jaysa replied. If he really was the Prince that she met, will he kill her once he finds out? She did smack him twice in that storage area and now again in the castle in front of his subjects. What's going to happen to her? Jaysa talked to Erica until she couldn't think of anything else to talk about. She propped herself against the cell wall once her back was completely cleaned of the wounds and had stopped bleeding. Her knees were against her chest and her head was in her arms that rested on her knees. Jaysa quietly cursed. She was afraid of what would happen to her next.

Somewhere in the castle, there were voices coming from behind two huge wooden double doors. The men were in a heated debate about what should be right for the future. Inside the throne room stood a man dressed in a long white robe that had crosses on his cuffs. He also proudly wore a huge cross that hung from his neck. The man was in his 40s with thin hair and a small beard.

"Your Majesty. I don't want to be rude or anything," the Priest spoke in a graceful manner, making sure not to offend the Prince who sat in front of the older man. "What you should take in consideration is not only do you have to find a bride, but you also should change what disaster your uncle caused. Your father would have never rule the Kingdom as your uncle does now. So please, before it's too late. Find a bride, marry her, and become our next King. Please do it soon. You only have two weeks left. The Prince stared at the man. He sat in his Royal throne. His head was leaning sideways resting on his hand that was partly formed into a fist. The Prince's legs were crossed in a comfortable manner. He was at ease until this buffoon walked into the room. The Priest was right. He had to pick a wife so he could become King. If he does not, then he would be forced off of the throne. Even though he was being stubborn, he knew the Priest was only trying to help him, but there was only one woman he wanted. He wanted that woman.

"What about the woman that attacked you?" The Prince was broken from his thoughts. He quickly turned around to see his uncle come out from behind the curtain that was hung behind the Royal chair. He had short curly hair and stood about 6 foot. The man wore a gray shirt with buttons down the front and black pants. He wore this outfit for casual business since he did not have to wear a uniform. The clothes he wore showed he did not have an ounce of fat on his body. "I heard you two got along quite well." The man walked over to the Prince. He grabbed his nephew's chin and looked at the scratches the girl had inflicted on him. They started from between his right eye and ear. It went down to his lower cheek. Three scratches were visible to the naked eye, while one you could barely see. "She got you good." The man chuckled.

"What business do you have here? I never requested for your presence." The Prince hissed at the man and smacked his uncle's hand away from his face. He glared at the older man. Even though his uncle raised him and treated him kindly, the man began to act strange. When his nephew grew closer to become King, he stopped supporting the teenager. It was almost like he wanted him to fail. His uncle had never said it out loud, but his action spoke a lot louder than his words.

"My Prince, I meant no harm." His uncle spoke trying to sound harmless. "But you and I both know what chubby says is true." The Priest glared at the man. The Prince's uncle either did not notice or care. "You have to wed soon, or the throne will be passed to the next in line. You also know that the woman must be a virgin. How do you know those women you have brought in were not already tainted? Those types of women are not innocent as you would think. If you don't want one of those nice princesses that he was so kind of bring in, then at least pick a Noble. They have higher standards than those poor peasants." The man stopped for moment before his starting up again. "Sire, you will become King, you will have to stop having a tantrum when you dislike something or if you don't get your way."

"Martin, please!" The Priest began to speak at the older man. Neither one of the men paid any attention.

"You bastard! What is that supposed to mean?" The Prince ran over to his uncle and punched him hard in the face. "You're supposed to support me on becoming King, but all you do is bash everything I do or say." The Prince had been getting fed up with the man's attitude his uncle has been obsessed about the crown ever since the Priest had been helping the teenager become King. The Prince had become hesitant on what his uncle was planning. Martin touched his jaw that was drawing blood. The man growled. He used the back of his hand to wipe the warm liquid off his mouth. He began to chuckle.