Chapter 24

Danzel knew he had to leave soon before his Uncle or the Priest send out a search party, if they have not already. He picked up the jacket putting it on, hiding his face with the hood. He cautiously left the storage shed heading back to the castle. Danzel was able to sneak into the village that the Noble's lived in. He slipped by the area that he took the jacket and set it back on the chair where he picked it up earlier. Now only thing he had to do was sneak back into the castle. He turned on his heals ready to go when he slammed into a hard flesh. He looked up and realized it was his uncle's guards. He cursed himself. He thought he was able to get away and come back without being escorted back home. Luck was not on his side as he was escorted back.

Once he reached the castle he heard an earful from his uncle and the Priest about leaving the castle and his duties. Danzel apologized for his actions, but deep down he didn't care. He had the best adventure, especially when he was able to meet the woman he now wants. Danzel was escorted to his chambers by one of his uncle's guards. Once in the room he heard the sound of a lock from the outside. He was caged in. He walked over to the full length mirror to see if there were any bruises on his cheeks, which surprised him when he did not see anything. It still hurt though, but the best experience was the kiss. He couldn't help but keep thinking about it. He didn't just like the kiss, but the girl he kissed. He liked her. He laid on the bed staring at the blue silky fabric that covered the top part of the huge bed and hung all around the edges. That girl was different then all the other women he met before. Screw the ones that kiss his ass because he was the Prince. He really liked her. She was feisty and spoke her mind. He liked that. If he could he wanted to make her his.

"I don't know your name, but I do want you to be mine. I swear, when I get older, I will make you mine. Once I find you again, I will have you marry me and become my wife." Danzel didn't make this a promise to anyone but himself. When the time came for him to find a bride, he would look for her and marry only her. That was the promise and he wanted to fulfill it once the time comes. The young boy reached out and touched his cheek that lightly stung now and smiled. He hated everyone that wanted him to hurry and become King, but this time he couldn't wait. He wanted time to hurry so he can find her again.

Back in the present, Danzel laid on the bed looking up at the same blue silky fabric. He still remembered the promise he made to his past self. Danzel knew that neither his uncle nor the Priest understood why he is taking in peasants. He had never told anyone about meeting the girl, not even the Priest who he had grown so close to. He did not care that he was being childish or selfish. He wanted to find her and he did. She was the girl that now sat in the cells down below. She was the one that spoke her mind even though she knew the consequences of her actions. She was the one that slapped him across the face. It was her. He touched the scratches on his face. They burned like no other, but that did not bother him in the least. Only thing he cared about was that his promise was finally fulfill, yet she did not realize it yet. He couldn't help but smirk while thinking about her. The rage, the anger, he was in love with her. He rolled to his side. He should really go to sleep. He would have to wake up early tomorrow and see his new bride. She won't know it until it was too late.

The next day, Danzel made his way down the long stairway until he reached the bottom of the stairs. He was welcomed by some of the guards that bowed in his presence. He walked past the weeping women in the cells ignoring their cries. He stopped in front of her cell and stared at the young girl. She was still shackled up to the wall. Even though she had more dirt on her than she did the first time he had seen her. She still looked beautiful. He did not speak a word as he kept his eyes on her. Jaysa knew he stood there, but did not want any contact with the man. She wasn't scared of him, but what he might do as a punishment to her. She was astonished that he had endured the silence for what seemed hours. He had no intention of going anywhere. Jaysa couldn't hold it anymore she finally spoke out.

"Are you staring at me because you are thinking about the horrible things you are going to do to me?" Jaysa was ready for the consequences. She was ready for her life to end if that was truly her fate. She only wished she could live longer. Instead of getting an answer she received a laugh. She was going to die and he was laughing at her despair.

"I thought of many ways to torture you." Danzel lied. He had no plan of harming her. He did have her whipped though, but he had to keep up his appearance. He looked at the girl. She couldn't bear to look back because she was frightened of what would happen next. "I don't plan on killing you." Danzel spoke to the teen girl. Jaysa looked up at the man.

Is he really not going to kill me? Jaysa thought