Chapter 29

"But you will be my wife soon. Besides, I already seen your breast, so there is nothing you should feel embarrassed about." Danzel replied. Jaysa knew this was going to be harder than she thought.

"You have not seen me completely nude. I don't want you to see me like that. So get out." Jaysa dropped the clothes she had in her hands onto the floor. She put her hands on Danzel chest and began to push him backwards. She didn't care that her chest was in full view to the man. She just wanted him out.

"What are you trying to do?" He questioned.

"I want you out." She spoke as she pushed him, but he did not budge. He's so strong. She thought. It may be hopeless. Jaysa was able to take a step forward as Danzel took a step back. She was able to push him out in the hallway. Before she slammed the door shut she spoke. "No peaking." Danzel stood in the hallway for a few moments before he sighed. He knew that if he really wanted to he could have stayed in there, but decided against it. He allowed himself to be pushed out of the bath. It was just going to be this once that he would allow her to be alone. Next time though, they will go in together.

"Sire," the voice of a young man called from behind Danzel. He turned to see one of the guards standing behind him.

"What." He answered.

"Um… I… I was just wanted to make sure that you are okay." The guards stuttered out.

"I'm fine." Danzel looked back at the doors that hid the young girl. He couldn't help but grin on the inside. She was so cute. Even though she was being serious as she pushed him out. She was still beat red. He knew it was because she was embarrassed for showing off her body to him. Danzel stopped his thoughts and turned to face the guard. "Did you see anything? Did you see her?" The guard was thrown off by the sudden question that the man began to stutter when he spoke.

"What… What do you mean?" Danzel, not liking the answer, lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm saying…did you see her? Did you see her body?" He did not want anyone seeing her beauty. She was his and no one else's.

"No, I didn't see anything. I just got here." The man spoke, frightened by the way the Prince spoke to him. Danzel glared at him making sure he was telling the truth. Danzel could look intimidating, but could tell that the man was no liar.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He questioned the man.

"Oh, yeah," the man spoke. "The King requested your presence in the throne room." Danzel sighed. He didn't want to see him. He knew what was going on.

"Fine, I'll go." Danzel spoke, but before he left he said. "Make sure that no one other than the caregivers are able to pass into these chambers."

"Okay." The guard replied. Danzel headed towards the throne room.

Danzel made his way into the throne room. His uncle and Joseph were already there waiting for his entrance. Danzel made his way up the red carpet and the small three sets of stairs that led them to the Royal chair. He sat down and looked over at the current King and Joseph. They both stood at the bottom of the stairs. Even though Martin was the current King, he was only a substitute, and because it was only two days away from Danzel's birthday he was allowed to sit on the throne. He was the rightful heir anyway.

"Why did you summon me here?" He questioned the two men in front of him.

"You only have two days left. Please tell me that you found someone." The Priest spoke back to the Prince. His voice was hiding some desperation.

"Maybe," Danzel spoke out.

"Who? Who is it?" The priest begged. He had to know. Danzel stayed quiet. He was actually getting joy out of torturing this man, by not giving him an answer right away.

"Please, don't tell me it was that young girl you pulled out of the cells? You know the one that slapped you." Martin spoke out. Joseph looked at Marin and back at Danzel.

"Your highness, you can't be serious."

"Actually I am." Danzel finally spoke. "I found my bride, I will marry her on my birthday, and you guys will not say a word."

"But your highnesses, why do you want to marry someone like her, someone from that background?" The Priest asked. He wanted his Prince to marry a woman soon. However, he did not understand why the Prince would turn away women from the other Royal Kingdoms, or the women from the Noble families, just to marry someone so poor like a peasant.

"You should hold your tongue Priest." Danzel spoke with anger. He thought that Joseph would have his back on this, so why did he talk about his future wife like that. She might have come from what they would consider as low lives, but that was the girl he wanted.

"I'm sorry your highness." Joseph spoke. He sighed and looked up at Danzel. "You wished to marry this woman, knowing what type of background she has. Because once you marry her you will be unable to separate. Do you understand that?" Danzel stared at Joseph and looked over at his uncle. He was stunned that his uncle had no response against marrying the girl.

"I understand what you're saying and no, it does not bother me at all."

"Fine," the Priest spoke. "If this is how you truly feel than we will go ahead and get everything ready for your day." Joseph bowed and headed out of the room. Danzel and his uncle were the only ones left. They both stayed quiet. Martin was the first to speak.