Chapter 37

"You bastard!" Jaysa yelled. "You're a jerk! You are no different from those men. You're just like your fucking uncle." Jaysa suddenly lost her breath as she was flipped onto her back hard. Danzel was furious with what she just said, that he was able to overtake the girl strength. He pinned her hands above her head with both of his hands. Both of his legs straddled either side of her and he was leaning over her. Danzel was glaring at her and yelled out.

"I'm nothing like that man. How dare you say I'm like him! Don't ever lump me with him." Jaysa was quiet. Her ears rang a little because he was so close when he yelled at her, but was blown back at how he acted to being told he was like his uncle.

"But you said –"

"I'm nothing like him!" Danzel cut Jaysa off. She stayed quiet not wanting him to yell at her anymore. She waited a few minutes to allow her husband to cool down.

"If you say you're not like your uncle, then will you let those girls go?" Jaysa questioned quietly. Danzel let go of Jaysa's wrist and sat up on his heels making sure he was not squishing Jaysa. He was completely confused to what his wife was asking of him.

"What girls?" He was completely confused. Jaysa gave him the same look back.

Did he just ask me that? She thought. "The girls in the cells." Jaysa explained.

"The girls in the –" Danzel stopped. "I thought you were talking about mistresses." Danzel admitted his confusion.

"Huh?" Jaysa spoke out. "Why would I care about mistresses?" She asked. She was now entirely confused. Danzel looked at Jaysa with a bit of anger and pain in his eyes.

"So you won't care if I had sex with another woman?" He questioned. He waited for her response. He watched as she sighed.

"I can't stop you if you have sex with another woman." Jaysa spoke. "Besides," Danzel watched her closely hoping that she was going to say something he wanted to hear. "Even if I did tell you not to do it, you're a man, so you won't listen."

How could she say that? Danzel thought. So is she saying that I can sleep with anyone I want and she won't care? Anger filled inside him. "No," he yelled out. The sudden outburst frightened Jaysa. She's not supposed to not care. He wanted her to tell him that he couldn't be with any other woman but her. He wanted her to be angry and jealous, but instead she did not care. If she did not care if he slept around with other women, then why should he care about those women in the cells? "If you don't care, then why should I care about those women in the cells?" He asked Jaysa.

"What?" She asked. "What are you talking about? Of course I care about the girls." She spoke.

"What about me?" He yelled.

"What about you?" Jaysa yelled right back at him. "You say you're not like your uncle, but then why do you talk about turning the girls in the cells into mistresses? That definitely makes me think you're no different."

"What?" Danzel brought both of his hands to his head and grabbed it roughly as if it was about to explode. When did it changed to him taking slaves as mistresses? She was confusing him past all odds.

"Are you okay?" She asked. He looked down at her.

"I never once said anything about using those women as mistresses." He explained. "I don't see how we even got on this conversation." He admitted. Jaysa looked at Danzel.

"You said you were going to turn the girls into sex slaves." Jaysa spoke.

"I never said that. I was talking about mistresses that want to be with me." He spoke. Jaysa just stared at him. "If you're thinking about those women, could it be you want me to set them free?" Jaysa nodded. Danzel sighed and got off of Jaysa and sat next to her. "If I do this than I want something back." He spoke.

"A typical man." She spoke out loud. She acted as she didn't mean for him to hear. Danzel looked at her. His hands reached out to touch her face. He was on his knees and used one of his hands as leverage. He gently touched her face and Jaysa flinched. He pulled away when he saw her body jerk away from his touch. He sat back on his heels and looked at Jaysa again. "I want you to obey me." He spoke finally.

"So you want me to be your bitch?" She spat back.

"I never said that." He spoke back. "I just ask for you to watch what you say in public, and your actions. When we are alone, you can bitch like you have done so far, as much as you like." He waited to see if she would make a remark, but instead, she showed a pouting face. "I want you to be my obedient wife in front of the others. That's all I ask." Jaysa sat up and was only inches from her husband she spoke.

"On one condition."

"You're not in a position to make any kinds of the negotiations." He spoke.

"If you don't, then I won't be your perfect wife." Danzel slapped his hand against his head. She was such a demanding woman. He peered through his fingers and asked.

"What is it?" A smile spread across her face.

"I want to make sure that all the women are escorted back home safely." Danzel stayed quiet before sighing.

"Fine then," Danzel started. "I'll send out some guards –"

"No," Jaysa yelled out shocking Danzel. He almost fell backwards, but caught himself. "I want to be the one that goes with them." Danzel didn't know what to do anymore. He allowed himself to fall backwards on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He could feel her eyes on him and she waited for an answer.