Chapter 47

"What the hell are you doing to my wife?" The guard was frightened. The King glared at him with ice cold eyes.

"We… We were…" The man didn't know what to say. If she was a slave, he would've brushed this off with a joke. However, she was no slave. She was the King's wife. The man fell to his knees still looking up at the King. Jaysa could feel Danzel tighten his arm that held her as he spoke.

"If you want to die, then I will kill you now. However," the guard watched for Danzel to respond. "If you wish to live, then I would suggest you to get up and start unlocking those cells." The man leaped up and ran for the keys that laid on the other side of the room. Jaysa could hear the sound of the cells being unlocked and the loud rusty sounds of them being open.

"Danzel." she spoke his name just above a whisper. He could still hear her and looked down at her. Tears were welling up in her eyes threatening to fall, but she held them back. "Can you do me one more favor?"

"I've done enough for you." He spoke, anger still lingering in his voice.

"Please, I just want to let the girls have a meal before they leave." Danzel looked at his wife. "The women have been stuck in this disgusting place for several weeks. If we give these women a last meal. They will be able to leave the castle with some good memories." Danzel stared at his wife a bit longer. Her eyes sparkled because of the tears. For some reason he was unable to fight against those eyes, so he just gave in.

"I'll let you have your dinner, but you need to do me a favor." Jaysa nodded and waited for him to respond. "I will ask that you become my obedient wife while we are in public. I will not tolerate another one of your drama scenes you put on before."

"I promise." She spoke quietly back. "I want to tell my friend about this really quick." She pulled out of her husband's embrace. He pulled her back and brought her into a short kiss.

"You promised, now don't break it." He spoke as she let her go. She nodded and was embarrassed from the kiss. She had only kissed him in private, so it's different kissing him in front of the girls. She ran over to the cell that held Erica. Her face was flustered from the kiss.

"Erica, I want to let you know that you will have a meal before you leave." She spoke with excitement.

"So, that man can be sweet." Erica spoke.

"Only when he wants to be." She said in a low tone to her husband couldn't hear her.

"Maybe becoming Queen would be a good thing. You could help the kingdom go back to its peaceful days." Jaysa smiled.

"I hope I can." She replied back.

"Miss, I need you to move so I can open the cell." The man spoke. Jaysa moved out of his way. His attitude towards her had changed since her husband intervened, but it shouldn't have been like that. She should also have the power, even if it's just a little. Even so, she would have to go by one day at a time. First she will eat with the women and make sure the home safely. The thought suddenly hit her in the head. She totally forgot to ask her husband where the women were going to eat. Erica walked out of the cell and towards Jaysa. Jaysa grabbed Erica hands and spoke.

"I totally forgot to ask my husband where you're going to eat. I'm going to ask him really quick." Jaysa was acting like it was going to be the end of the world if she didn't receive that information. She made her way to her husband and asked. "Where are the girl's going to be eating?" Danzel looked at her as if she asked the obvious question.

"Here." He spoke. Jaysa glared at him.

"No, somewhere else." She whispered. She was keeping her promise by not making a scene, but she was not going to allow the women to eat in a filthy place like this. She glared at him until he spoke again.

"Okay, I'll set up a ballroom so they can eat there." He spoke. She jumped with joy and hugged her husband. Jaysa grabbed the dress to cover herself again and made her way to Erica and told her the news. Danzel made arrangements for the guard to fix up a room and a meal for the women. Jaysa was happily speaking to her friend until she heard her husband yell out her name. Jaysa turned around to look at her husband.

"We should take our leave and you…" He looked at his wife's ripped, dirty clothes. "…need to change into something more presentable." Jaysa agreed. She told Erica what was going on and spoke.

"I'm going to get changed, and then we will meet you in the ballroom."

"Well, we will see you there." Erica responded and she waved her friend goodbye for now.