Chapter 58

"So, did that go well?" Horis asked Martin.

"Yes, you did well." Martin replied as he gave him a pouch full of money.

"Do you think he's really going to kill that girl?" Horis asked. The young child held on the man's pant leg.

"That should be no concern to you." Martin spoke as he headed towards the doors. Madison freaked out and ran before Martin open the doors to find her. She ran as fast as her legs would allow her to go. She couldn't believe that that man had done something so evil against Jaysa. She had to tell the King that Jaysa was telling the truth. She had to find him soon.

Danzel slam the door shut and leaned against it. He was back in his chambers. His heart was racing with the feelings of betrayal. She acted as if she was scared of being with him, but it was all a lie. She didn't want to be with him because she was not a virgin and being with him would've given her way. He seriously thought that she was scared of being touched by a man. It made him wonder if the story about her when she was younger was even true. She lied to him saying that he would be her first. His hands turned to fist and where clenched to tightly that they started to turn white. He was jealous that someone had her first.

He stormed over to the bed and fell onto it with his back touching the sheets. All thought of betrayal stirred in his head. He still couldn't believe it. He rolled over to his side. He wanted to cry but no tears wanted to be shed. So he laid on the bed. His head was pounding because of everything he kept recapping in his head. He knew that if he quit thinking about it, then the headache would go away. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get those thoughts out. There was a knocking sound heard at the door. Danzel ignored it, but the knocking came more frequently. Getting irritated with the noise, he dashed over to the door ripping it open. His face was red with anger as he yelled out.

"What is it?" He glared down at Madison whose eyes were wide. She didn't expect him to opened the door and yell at her. "Damn it! What do you want?" He yelled.

"I… I…" She stuttered out. The man was frightening her.

"Damn it! If you don't have anything to say, then leave." Danzel was ready to close the door, when she yelled out.

"Jaysa is innocent. She was not with that man." She cried out. Danzel looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"You think that I'm going to believe something that you say. You should be thankful that I don't throw your ass in the cell along with her." He spoke. "Now get the hell out of here." He slammed the door on the girl's face. He could hear the young girl yelling on the other side. He walked over to the bed and pulled a pillow over his ears blocking out the noise. How did it get this way? Danzel questioned himself.

Earlier that day, after Jaysa had gone off on Danzel about Madison and stormed out of the room, Danzel laid on the bed still wondering what to do. I knock on the door was heard. Danzel didn't want to talk to anyone right now. The knock came again. Danzel pushed himself up off the bed. He headed towards the door. Opening it, he was faced with one of his guards.

"What do you want?" He growled out.

"Sire, I was told to get you as soon as possible. There's something that you need to see." The man spoke. Danzel rolled his eyes. He was in no mood to listen to more lectures, but the way the man spoke made it sound like it could be something he might find interesting. Danzel left the room with the guard who walked a couple steps behind him.

Danzel entered the throne room and was met with an unknown man and a child. The man bowed in respect as Danzel walked into the room and sat upon his Royal chair.

"You may raise your head." Danzel spoke. The man looked up at Danzel. "Why do you request my presence?" He asked. The man stayed quiet for a moment. Danzel was getting impatient. He was about to yell at the man until he spoke.

"My name is Horis." The man began. "I'm here because you have married my fiancé." Danzel glared at the man.

"If what you say is true…" Danzel began. He couldn't bear to finish the sentence so he asked another. "Can you prove that you are her fiancé?" Danzel asked.

"Yes, Sire." The man spoke. He lifted up his left hand that held a silver ring on his ring finger. It was worn out, so Danzel knew that it was nothing new, maybe something passed down. The King watched as the man as he turned to pick up a small boy in his arms. He faced Danzel and spoke again. "This child is ours." He exclaimed. Danzel stood up and asked.

"If you say she is your fiancé, what is her name?" Danzel question the man.

"Her name is Jaysa. She has beautiful grayish brown eyes. That's what made me fall in love with her in the first place" the man spoke. "A couple of years ago, our beautiful baby Bryson came into the world. I heard about the girls being taken to the castle. I hoped and prayed that Jaysa would not have to go. But my prayers were not answered. I found out that she was married you so I wanted to tell you quick –"