Chapter 76

Danzel walked into his chambers and again found his wife brushing the young

girl's hair. He did not say a word as he walked over to his side of the bed. He heard his

wife speak out to the young girl.

"We are finished now; it's time to go to your chambers." Madison stood up and

yawned. Danzel couldn't tell if it was a real or fake one.

"You're right." He heard her reply. "Bye." Madison waived as she ran out of the

room leaving the couple by themselves. Jaysa wanted to speak to Danzel for a while.

"Great kid." Danzel spoke as he began to remove his clothes. Jaysa couldn't help

but glance at her husband's body. He already wore a pair of pajama pants. He crawled

under the blanket and turned on his side so his back was facing her. This was a good

change. Jaysa stood up and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a nightgown and

changed. After changing, she walked over to her side of the bed and pulled the blankets

away and crawled under them. She reached over to touch Danzel's back. He did not

move. So Jaysa scooted over so her body was lightly touching Danzel's. She leaned

over and started to kiss his back.

"Mm…," was all she heard. Jaysa knew her husband liked this. So she roamed

her left hand all over his chest. "Someone's in the mood." Danzel spoke. He turned his

top half of his body around to face Jaysa. He saw her smiles and Danzel laid on his

back, Jaysa crawled on top of him so she was straddle him. She roamed his chest

feeling his toned body, under her hands.

"Danzel," She spoke seductively.

"What is it?" Danzel replied in an equally seductive voice.

"Can you do me a favor?" She cooed. Danzel nodded his head. His hands were

roaming her legs and going up her thigh. His hands disappeared under the material.

"What is the favor you are asking?" Danzel asked, his hands not stopping.

"Can you help this country go back to the way it was?" Danzel looked up at


"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"What I mean is…" She leaned down so her cleavage from her breasts was

shown to her husband. The gown had strings that were supposed to be tied not to show

any skin, but Jaysa left them untied so she could show off her skin. "…Can you let the

men and women go? I mean stop the slavery. You know." She leaned closer to his ear

and whispered. "…Their freedom." She pulled away to look at her husband.

"So you want me to allow them freedom?" He questioned.

"At least back to the way it was when your father ruled the Kingdom." She spoke.

"Why?" He flatly asked. "They are making this Kingdom great money."

"Yeah, for the Nobles and the rich." She replied. "You're making their life a living

hell." She spit in irritation.

"I think they are having fun." Danzel spoke. The young Queen glared at her


"You don't really think that?" Jaysa asked.

"I haven't heard any complaints." He spoke. Sometimes she couldn't understand

this man and his way of thinking. Her plan backfired. Jaysa got off of her husband and

laid down on her side. "What's wrong?" Danzel asked. He scooted over to her and

began to kiss her neck. She moved her neck away from her husband who ignored her

protest. He reached around her body and grabbed one of her breasts massaging it.

"Stop it." She spoke as she pulled his hand off of her body.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" He questioned. He sat up in the bed and

looked over at her. "First you are trying to be all sexy, but once I turn down your

request, you act cold. What he fuck is wrong with you"

"Like you will ever understand."

"Make me understand!" Danzel yelled. "You say 'you don't know how I feel' or

'You don't understand what I'm going through'. Then make me understand!" He yelled.

"I can't do that!" She yelled back. Jaysa started at him then turned her head. "I

just want everyone else to have a wonderful life." She went quiet for a moment. "Like

me," she whispered. She had no idea on how to make this man understand. She just

needed to find another way to get her people their freedom. She heard her husband

take in a big breath and sigh.

"I'm just guessing on this, but I have a hunch that if I don't apply to your wish that

you will take sex away, right?" Jaysa's body flinched. He knew what she planned on

doing if he did not follow her request. She didn't want to look at her husband. It wasn't

from shame, but a smirk that she hid. "Well, I wouldn't want that." He spoke in a low

seductive voice. He straddled Jaysa's sides. His arms were placed in front of her face

and the back of her head. He made sure that he was not squishing her. He leaned down

and spoke in her ear. "I would die if I could no longer taste you, touch you, or be inside

you." Danzel could see his wife's cheeks fill up with a crimson color. "So if I let you have

your way with the villagers no longer being what you call, slaves, then you will not take

away my sex?" He questioned. Jaysa rolled onto her back and purposely stuck out her


"That depends if you do that or not." She spoke. Danzel gave her face a scowl

that he couldn't keep on his face very long before he leaned down and grabbed her lips

on his. He stuck a knee between her legs forcing them open and began to massage her

breasts again. One of his free hands made its way down the girls' body and back under

the material. He pulled away and smirked. Jaysa was completely embarrassed by what

he had just found.

"You're not wearing anything underneath." He spoke as he touched her lips

between her legs. "That's kind of hot." He spoke as he kissed her again and pushed his

tongue in her mouth. She felt his fingers enter her body and began to pump in and out.

Jaysa spread her legs wider allowing him more access. "I want to feel you more." He

spoke. He pulled his fingers out and helped his wife remove the material that was in the

way. He threw the material on the floor and stared at Jaysa's naked body. Danzel

couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of him. He leaned down again and took her

lips again and sucked. He attacked her lips, jaw, neck and soon her breasts. Jaysa

moaned to what her husband was doing, but she wanted him farther down. She pushed

on his head and he looked up at her wondering why she was doing that.