Chapter 85

"Why do you always say that? I asked about the girls that were in the cells, you don't care. I told you about Madison's issue, you don't care. But when it comes me, you care? You can't do that. If you want to protect one girl, you need to protect them all. That's what it means being not only a man, but King as well.

"No, I don't. You are mine. They have nothing to do with me." He spoke as he pointed towards the windows. Jaysa glared at Danzel and walked over to her clothes. She began to dress. Danzel stayed silent.

"I'm getting tired of you saying that those women don't mean anything.

"They don't." Jaysa stopped as the dress fell down her body. Every minute she was with the man, just boiled more rage inside of her. She pulled her hair outside of her dress. Fully clothes she spoke.

"Until you decide that not just me, but all the women are equal and need equal protection, do not speak to me unless you absolutely need to. Also, forget about getting any anytime soon." She spoke as she walked towards the door reaching for the door knob.

"So you are saying that, because I don't care about any of those women, that you are going to cut me off from sex?" He asked a bit irritated.

"Yes." She flatly replied.

"Why do I have to get punished like this?" He questioned as if he was getting into trouble for something he did wrong.

"Oh, and find out what type of punishment that the guard is going to get."

"But I…" Danzel stopped as Jaysa opened the door and found Joseph on the other side. Jaysa bowed her head and made her way past the priest and out into the hallways. Joseph watched as Jaysa distanced herself away from the room. The priest looked back into the room to see Danzel leaning up against the desk with one palm against his forehead.

"What did you do this time?" Joseph asked.

"Is it so wrong to just care for one woman?" He quietly asked the priest. Joseph made his way into the room.

"If you are in love with that woman, then no, but you are also the King. So officially you need to protect all the women." He spoke. Danzel turned to look at the priest. His hand was still on his head.

"So you agree with my wife?" He asked.

"Sorry Sire." He apologized. Danzel sighed and out both his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling.

"What is it about her that makes me change this way?" He questioned himself.

"Is it a good change or a bad change?" The priest asked. Danzel smiled.

"Ever since I met here, I wanted her. She brought out something I did not know existed in me to come out."

"And what is that Sire?"

"I think it's similar to hope. Even though she threatens me about taking away sex or what not, she always makes me see what she is seeing."

"And how is that similar to hope?" The priest asked confused. Danzel looked back at Joseph.

"She makes me feel that I could rebuild this Kingdom and make my father up in heaven proud to call me his son. Before I met her, I didn't have faith in myself. I believed that the way my uncle has been running the Kingdom would stay that way. However, with her around, I have the strength to believe that I can make a change."

"Ooo." Was all Joseph could say. "So what are you going to do about that guard?" Danzel sighed. He hung his head. He had killed one guard already. However, that was out of anger from that man touching what was his.

Maybe, that would make her happy. He thought to himself. "Joseph. I want you to set up something for me." Joseph nodded.

Several days have passed since the fight. Jaysa had kept up on her threat. Every time Danzel would make a move towards her, she would brush it off. She wanted to keep her distance from the King and decided to explore the castle some more. Madison was not with her at this time. She was left in the library reading a book on different patterns she could use for some new outfits. Jaysa had brought back some more fabrics the last time she had gone to the market, which made the girls eyes sparkle with joy. Another jewel that she found was a book written on how to make different types of patterns. Jaysa had never seen a book like that. It was found from one of the wondering merchants wagon. She got a good deal on the book so of course Jaysa couldn't pass it up. Jaysa had taught her several types of techniques and with that book, the young girl could put it all together.

While Madison was focused on the new projects, Jaysa used that time to sneak away and check out more of the castle. She had lived there for a couple of months so far, but yet has seen more than five percent of the castle.

While walking around, going down different hallways unknown to her, she found some servants. They were running around with bag of food in their hands in and out of a room.

This must be either the storage area for the food or the kitchen. Jaysa thought to herself. Making her way over to the women, one of the servants noticed her. She stopped what she was doing and ran over to the young Queen. Jaysa had never seen the maid before. She was quite young, maybe her age or younger. She wore the same uniform that all the others maids wore. Her brown hair was tied up in a bun with only a few strands falling down in her face.

"My Queen. You should not be here." The young girl spoke out in a polite manner. She was unsure if the Queen was lost or not.

"Why?" Jaysa asked. "Is this place off limits?"

"Why yes it is." An older voice was heard from behind the young voice. The young maid looked over her shoulder to see an older woman standing behind her. The way the old woman stared at the girl with cold eyes gave Jaysa the chills.