Chapter 98

Several days had passed since the conversation between Jaysa and Danzel. Danzel thought long and hard about what Jaysa had said and finally made a decision. He called his people out for another announcement. Many villagers were unsure why the King had called them out. They spoke among themselves of what this could be and why they were called. Danzel walked out onto the balcony and looked down at his people. The talking soon died down as they all looked up at their king.

"My people. I have gone over all the information that I have received from my people and my Kingdom. I understand that without a King's Villagers, there is no Kingdom. So what I decided is to help my Kingdom flourish. I want it be as it was before." Danzel glanced over to his wife and back at the crowd. "What we need to survive is money. Money to trade. Money to live. However, I found that many of my people do not have this money. Many of my people are not able to make trades, eat, or live how they should. So. I have looked everything over to see what I could do for my people, and this is what I found. My father..."

"Hope his soul rests in peace." Danzel heard the crowd underneath his speak.

"He had a good balance when it came to what was taxed to our people. When he passed, the taxes went up a tremendous amount. This amount is beyond what we truly need to keep the Kingdom going. So, this is what I will do for my people. I will lower the taxes back to what it was at before. We were requesting for our people to pay us 80% of what each person made. This is not helpful to our people that have to get money for food, medicine, and clothes as well. So, I am going to change it back to what it was originally. We will change it the 20% we have requested before all the changes. I believe that that would help our people and the Kingdom."

"Are you serious?" Danzel heard someone yell out. Danzel nodded his head.

"I will even sign the document allowing this change become in effect today." Joseph brought out the document, which Danzel read. It read everything he had spoken to his people about. Given the ink pen by Joseph, Danzel signed the document. Sounds of excitement were heard from below. He turned to his people and saw the excitement. "This will allow my people to trade, buy, and live a better life like it was before." The cheering continued. Jaysa smiled at her husband. She was able to get her husband to change the laws back to what it was before. This will help everyone out. Not only the people of the village, but the Kingdom as well. Very slowly, it's starting to become more like a Kingdom than a prison.

"Does this please my wife?" Danzel mocked. Jaysa rolled her eyes at her husband sarcastic remarks and body language. He was bowing to his wife as if she was the King of the country.

"Yes this does appease me." Jaysa spoke back. The two made their way towards the hallway leaving their people to get back to their lives. Danzel walked along Jaysa's side. Both held their head up high. They passed a maid who bowed in respect. Once they were out of the maid's sight. Danzel grabbed Jaysa's arm and pulled her into a familiar room. It was the same room that they were caught by Joseph in. Danzel dragged her inside, closed the door, and held her hostage between the closed door and her two arms that were located on both sides of her.

"What are you doing?" Jaysa questioned.

"I have been doing so much to please you, yet, you don't give me anything back. It's almost as if I'm being used." Danzel spoke.

"I'm not using you." She spoke.

"Well, it damn near feels like it." He hissed. "I understand that you were mad that I moved your mother's grave, but I tried to make that better. You told me to release those women, I did that. You said to make the people free, I did that. You wanted women's rights, I did that. You wanted the taxes changed, I did that as well. What else do you want me to do for your selfish reasons?"

"What!" Jaysa growled. "None of those were for selfish reasons. It was to help the people!" She yelled.

"I helped the people, and now, I expect payment."

"What do you mea-?" Jaysa was cut off as Danzel kissed Jaysa. "What are you doing?" Jaysa pulled her lips away from her husband.

"You have been taking, taking, and taking. So now it's time for you to give." Danzel spoke as he kissed his wife again and began to roam his hands on her body. Jaysa tried to struggle against her husband's embrace. "Why do you deny me?" Danzel growled.

"Because, I'm not in the mood!" She yelled.

"Damn it! Ever since you got pregnant, you have never allowed me to touch you, and it's getting fuckin' annoying!" Danzel snapped.

"Well, I'm sorry. I don't feel like it. Then I don't feel like it!" She yelled back.

"You're a selfish bitch who thinks that you can just flaunt your pussy around and make me believe anything or do anything that you want! I'm starting to believe what the other men were telling me is true. However, I was too blind by sex to realize that you are nothing but a skiving little bitch." Danzel growled out the last three words. He took in several breaths. His anger began to die down and his eyes switched from anger to pain. Tears were building up in Jaysa's eyes. Danzel automatically regretted the words he just spoke to his wife. He was upset because he really wanted to be with his wife, not only physically, but sexually. He was sexually frustrated and he took it out on her. It was still her fault, but he knew now that he made the biggest mistake that he could ever make. "I…I…" Danzel spoke. He couldn't form any sentences as hard as he tried.

"It's not my fault." Jaysa whispered. "My body is changing because of this child. If you really want to have sex, then fine. I can tell that that's why you're so made. So just go ahead and do what you want." Jaysa's voice was low and emotionless. A growl could be heard.

"Damn it!" Danzel yelled as he slammed his hands against the door. "You always fuckin' do this. Are you trying to piss me off?" Danzel's eyes held anger in them Jaysa stayed quiet and her eyes never met his. He growled at the response he was not getting. "Fine, fuck it!" Danzel growled. He pulled Jaysa away from the door. She closed her eyes waiting for him to attack her. However, nothing happened. Instead the sound of the door opening could be heard. Jaysa opened her eyes and turned around just in time to see her husband walk out of the room and shut the door behind him. Jaysa fell to her knees and began to cry. Her emotions were completely out of whack and she was taking it out on her husband. He didn't deserve this. He had done so much for her, but only thing she had done was take advantage. Maybe she was being a selfish bitch. She had to do something to make up for what she had just done.