Chapter 112

Almost two months have gone by since that horrible incident. Jaysa's body was completely healed and she no longer felt any more pain. He stomached had flattened more, but still had a bit of fat on it, so she wasn't completely back to what she was before. Her breasts had also decreased in size. Jaysa was happy that they were no longer sore. Danzel had seen her body a couple of times when they bathed and never commented on it. She was happy about it, but it also made her worry if whether he was still attracted to her body. She had never brought it up for to two months though. So instead she went back into her daily route. Madison and she were in the library reading the books that they held. There were even new books that were placed in the room which Jaysa was excited about. Madison was doing something different this time though. While Jaysa read, Madison was finishing her dress. Now that Jaysa was healthy enough to get more help on the dress, Madison has been able to finish her dress sooner than expected. Madison had finished the last stitch. She jumped up with the out and ran over to Jaysa.

"Look!" Madison spoke in excitement. Jaysa lowered her book and found that Madison was holding the dress she just now finished. It was very plain for the first dress, but that would be expected for a first timer.

"That is wonderful. Bring it closer so I can see it better. "Madison brought the dress over to the young Queen who inspected the dress, not only for the beauty, but the way it was put together. "I see that you used large stitches here. If you had used smaller ones, then the sleeve would not pop out like this. The smaller stitches you use keep the material to stay in the same spot, and helps from it not getting ripped easier." There were mistakes here and there, and Jaysa gave advice about each one of them. Overall the dress was well done.

"I want to learn how to make ruffles now!" Madison spoke with glee. Jaysa smiled at the young girl.

"Okay. Then here is what you do."

Danzel was in the bedroom looking up towards the ceiling on the bed. He turned his head over to face Jaysa's side of the bed. He reached out and touched her pillow. For some reason he felt lonely. It had nothing to do with not being able to see her, because he is able to see her every day. It was more of not being able to be intimate with his wife for these two past months. Since she lost the child, he did not want to push for sex because he wanted her body to heal. Now he's sexually frustrated and wants to be with her. He rolled over to her side of the bed. They have not been together for long, but he knew he had fallen hard for this woman. He took in a deep breath of her sent that was still lingering on the pillow. He wanted her. He couldn't wait any longer. He sat up and looked at the door. He wanted her to so badly to walk through those doors, but nothing came. Tonight, he will have her.

Jaysa made her way into the bedroom. There were several candles around the bed. She looked around to see if she could find the culprit that had done this. No luck. He was nowhere in sight. She walked over to the bed and allowed her hair to fall out of the bun that the maids had put up for her.

It's his doing. She thought to herself. She knew what he was requesting. Her body was completely healed, but she was unsure if she was ready to actually have sex with the man yet. She had a feeling that he would understand if she explained it to her. He had so far.

There was a sound of the door opening and the man she was thinking about, walked into the room. She glanced up at the man. She hurried over to his side. Jaysa grabbed Danzel's sleeve. She didn't make eye contact as she spoke.

"I appreciate what you have done." Her voice mumbled off.

"Are you saying that you don't want to?" He questioned in a gentle voice. Jaysa nodded. Danzel grabbed her chin and made her face him. "Even if you are not ready, I still want to be with you. We don't have to actually have sex, but I still want to touch you." Since she couldn't move her head, Jaysa shifted her eyes away from the man.

"You say don't have sex, but you want to do things that involve sex." She spoke in a quiet voice. Danzel brought her lips to his and gently kissed her.

"I won't penetrate you if that is something you don't want us to do. But I still want to touch you. I want to mark what is mine." Danzel ran his finger on the side of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine and she let a small moan. "I want you." He whispered in her ear. Jaysa couldn't help but let out small moan. Even though she didn't want to have sex a moment ago, her body was screaming for the pleasure. It felt like someone turned on a switch. Whenever this man touches her, her body craves his touch. Jaysa nodded. Danzel smirked. He brought her lips to his again and placed a kiss on her lips and pulled away. He could see her eyes gloss over with lust. He brought their lips together again and pushed his tongue against her lips requesting for an invitation, which she accepted. Danzel's hands roamed down her shoulders, breasts, back and bottom. Jaysa didn't realize that she had back up to the side of the bed where she fell down on it. Danzel gave a smirk at her puzzled look. He leaned down and gave her another small kiss. He reached behind her and unbuttoned the top of her dress. He pulled the zipper down afterwards. The dress began to loosen in the front.