Chapter 149

"Let's go." He looked back at his wife. "We should leave and let my wife have some girl time."

Danzel followed Joseph down the hallway. Danzel was thinking about what Joseph had called out to him for. He really wanted to be at Jaysa's side even though, she had indicated that she didn't want him there. He followed the man and spoke out.

"So. What is it that you called me out for?" Joseph stopped and looked at the King.

"Did you want to stay with the young Queen?" Joseph questioned. "It's really not that big. I just know that it's something that I needed to tell you." Danzel shook his head.

"No. She wants some time to herself. So I will give her that." Danzel responded. "So what is it that you wanted to speak about." Joseph nodded and began speaking.

"I have been getting many of your people asking when we would have another open policy day. I know that there has been so much going on the past couple of weeks. However, think we may be over due for the event. I'm sure that your people have many things to ask you." Danzel took in a sigh. Yes. Many things have happened since Levi was here and even before that. His attentions wasn't even on his Kingdom. It was on his wife. He needed to listen to his people as well. Those villagers are what makes the Kingdom.

"I do agree with you on that Joseph."

"Sire." Joseph spoke out in surprise then smiled. He had a feeling that Danzel would've fought with his about his wife. Yet, he agreed with no complaints. He has matured tremendously. Joseph thought. "So when should I announce that the open door policy is open?" Danzel thought for a moment. It was too late for the to do it today. Since they had the policy open. Jaysa had always been to them. So he would have to tell Jaysa as well.

"I think that the best time would possible be the day after tomorrow. I need to tell Jaysa about it. Also, make sure that everyone knows what their concerns are when they get her as well." Joseph nodded. "Is that all that you have to tell me?" Danzel questioned the older man.

"Yes Sire. I have yet to get anymore information that you were looking for. I have tried my best. I even been watching both your uncle and the Lieutenant. Neither have made any type of move out of ordinary. So I do believe that they are trying to stay low. I suspect that they may think that you will forget everything that had happened." Danzel snorted.

"As if I would forget what they have done to my wife, or tried to make her do." Danzel walked over to the wall and leaned against it. He folded his arms and stared down at the ground. "I have to be really careful. I know that Jaysa thinks that I'm just being over protective. But I don't want to lose this child like we did the last one. If I could. I would around her all day and night."

"You know as much I do. If you did that. The miss would get angry at you and possible not allowing you anywhere near her. I'm sure if that happens. Then you would pout about how she won't you near her." Joseph couldn't help but chuckle. He had seen his King like that before when the two have had a fight. Danzel glared at the man as he chuckled.

"It's not funny."

"My apologies." Joseph flashed a gentle smile on his face. Danzel just ignored it. The two have been together since Danzel's been a small baby. So, talking like this was something they could only do.

"Joseph." Danzel spoke out.

"Sire." Danzel moved his eyes to the side.

"I have been thinking. There have been other things that have occupied my mind. However, there is one thing that I can't stop and think about."

"And what is that Sire?"

"Jaysa's birthday." Joseph just started at the man in front of him. "When I learned about her birthday during my party. I wanted to celebrate it. Yet. I have not been able to talk to anyone about it. From her getting sick and finding that she now holds my child again. I have only been thinking about the baby and Jaysa's heath then anything."

"That is understandable. You just don't want to have a repeat of what had happened before."

"Yeah." Danzel moved his eyes back over to the man and pushed himself off the wall, "But since I have yet to give her a party to celebrate the day of her birth. Doesn't that make is look like I don't care about my wife, when in fact I do?" Danzel questioned the other man. He waited silently for the older man's response.

"Sire." Joseph started to speak. "I'm pretty sure that even the Miss has forgotten about the conversation due to everything that has happened. I'm sure that even if you have missed the day of her birthday and still make a day to celebrate it. The Miss would be very happy. When was the young Miss birthday?"

"October 17th." Danzel spoke quietly.

"October." Joseph repeated. "That was over three months ago." The man brought his fingers to his forehead and shook it. "Sire. Even if we celebrate her birthday. I don't know if it would be the same." Danzel glared at the man.

"But you just said that she wouldn't mind even if was late." Joseph dropped his hand to his side.

"Yes. I thought that it was coming up or was not too long ago. But…"

"Are you saying that she will not like it if I don't celebrate her birthday because it was four months ago?" Joseph put his hands inside his sleeves and laid them on his stomach. The man flashed a gentle smile as he spoke.

"No. The Miss would still be very happy that you would want to celebrate her birthday. I'm sure that she would like to invite several of her friends from town as well."