While at the club, Kyra swore she felt so improper as she's never once been in a place like this before.

She felt so shy, the music, the people, the dances, all were just thing's she saw in the movies, now that she's finally here, so many emotions watched through her.

Danny drank as much alcohol that she found available.

According to Damian, every weekend is a time for free drinks according to the owner of the bar, so they said. Kyra wondered what owner would be so generous as to make free drinks in a club where teenagers frequent. Now she sees the reason they were all drinking themselves away.

"Well for them as werewolves, they could only get high on alcohol when it is mixed with wolfs bane

"C'mon Kyra, have some alcohol, you know you won't get drunk, unless I add wolsfbane.

"What!, you mean you brought wolfs bane!

Danny looked around to see if anyone around was watching them. Immediately, she ran to where she was seated.

"Keep it down, Kyra, are you trying to expose me now?"

"I'm not, but you should know that is highly prohibited in our kingdom."

Danny suddenly heaved a long sigh.

"How many times will I get to tell you this Kyra, rules are meant to be broken, never forget that."

Kyra doubts she would ever be able to do that, being locked up in a mansion all her life has automatically put the rules of her kingdom at default in her memory.

"Do you want to explore, or you just want to sit here all night long?"

She immediately realized the reason she came out in the first place.

She slowly left the bar, tailing behind Danny as she took her into a deeper part of the club and there she saw massive crowds, just when she thought she had seen it all.

"How do you feel being here? You weren't expecting a place like this before, were you?"

Kyra became dumbfounded beyond measures.

She saw different kinds of people whom she's never met before.

There is this guy with a jet black, extremely pale skin which made her believe he's a vampire. Finally, she saw a vampire, besides him was a girl who was also as white as he was, they seemed to be having a good time, seeing how they sucked on each other's lips.

Kyra has totally forgotten that she was staring so intently at them, not until the guy's gaze rested on hers. She quickly averted her gaze, but too bad because she could feel that he was coming closer to her.

Oh no!, this wasn't what she wanted, she began walking away briskly, but he caught on to her just as quickly, and she almost jumped out of her skin at this action.

"Why are you running away, human?"

What! Human? Was this vampire having some problems with his sense of smell because if he wasn't, he wouldn't be confusing her for a human.

Kyra looked around, hoping to find the twins, but they seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

Where are these twins when they are needed? She panicked.

The vampire wasn't planning to let her go at all, he came in front of her, a cold smile on his face.

"You look so attractive for a human." He began using his sharp nailed fingers, sharp enough to sink deep into one's skin. And began trailing her nape with it. Kyra began to shiver out of freight. Only if she has a wolf. She would have mind linked her friends to come rescue her, as it seems, the vampire in front of her might devour her anytime soon.

Suddenly, the girl, who sat close to him, began approaching them. Kyra began to wonder what was going on.

"Wow…, she's charming, I think we should take her home to satisfy our urges, she will do just fine."

Kyra froze as the two vampires began staring at her lustfully. What is so wrong with them, if her guess is right, she would say they are mates, but how come vampires who are mates of each other are searching for someone to satisfy theme urges.

Danny and Damian, where are those two for goddess's sake!

"I'm not what you think, I have to take my leave now."

Just as she tried to leave again, she was pulled back by the male vampire.

"You just can't leave without satisfying us human. You are coming home with us."

With that, they began pulling towards their direction.

"No, please, you can't take me away, I came with my friends."

Kyra pleaded as much as she as could because she knows just what the end or product will be. Hell will break loose in Urindal and her friends will be too lucky if they could keep their head from being snapped away.

"Stop struggling, will you?"

The vampire's iris suddenly turned in that instant, and Kyra froze.

She's never seen a vampire with a red eyes, This means he's thirsty for human blood.

"One more struggling from you, I'm afraid we will have you here, and I'm uncertain if the others won't join us because I can tell you every vampire here needs blood and a good pussy."

Kyra froze, she likes around her and to her utmost dismay the room seemed to be filling up with vampires. At one end of the club, she could see four vampires devouring a girl. One of them had his fangs deep at her neck, two fondling and sucking at her breasts and one down at her center having a feel of her center with his mouth.

Kyra immediately used her hands to suppress the gasp that almost escaped her lips.

"So would you come home with is when it's just the two, or you prefer we have it here, seeing how fresh and smooth your skin looks, I don't think they will be coming few?

Kyra opened her eyes widen, in shock at what the vampire had just told her.

"Please let me go, I'm not that kind of girl, please!!"

They wouldn't let her go but kept dragging her along with them. Suddenly, she heard a loud growl at the same time a snarl coming from places she couldn't tell buy the sudden jolt of the two vampires gave Kyra the opportunity to escape, not having to witness what was about happening.

She ran outside the club, breathing heavily. She became confused, she knew nothing about the outside world, Danny and Damian she wondered where had gone to.

At this moment, she regretted ever coming out of the Mansion. She never knew her mother's kind was so terrible, how could they force someone into having sex.

Kyra went over to a dark secluded area, she bent down with her head on her palms, she so regretted ever not staying at home.

When her parents had told her about her cruel, the outside world, she never paid attention.

While she was bent with her hands to her face, someone walked over to where she was, the scent seemed familiar.

She raised her head up and to her, utmost shock, it was Ivan.

He seemed not to recognize her because if he did, he won't be smiling down at her.

She quickly brought her gaze down, so he won't be able to recognize her, but too late because she felt the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"What the hell are you doing here? Don't even try to pretend because I would recognize you anywhere I saw you, Kyra."

She didn't say a word to him as she just stared into thin air, though she knows he might just go tell her parents that she saw her at a club.

She could see his girlfriend, Nelly, coming over to him. Now she's so screwed because there's no way this duo will not tell on her.

How angry she is at the twins presently.

"Wow, look who we have where, if not Princess Kyra."

Kyra immediately stood up from where she was and made to walk away.

"You must be thinking we won't tell on you to the king, but you are mistaken, Kyra."

Nelly began walking towards her, her silver heels clicking on the cold floor bad she walked towards her.

She could see Ivan smiling evilly at what was happening, the prick!

"I must say you actually look pretty beautiful in your dress, but that doesn't change the fact that you are a monster!"

On a normal day, she wouldn't be upset, but today, after everything she's gone through in side the club, she just felt so pissed.

How she wishes Nelly will not say no more, but with these bullies, there was nothing as letting peace reign, they would always manage to make things harder and difficult for her.

"Did you hear what I just said, Kyra? I said you will always be a blood sucking monster!"

That came with a loud smack on Nelly's face, with Kyra breathing heavily.

She suddenly heard gasps around, slowly she raised her head up to meat the horror in the eyes of Danny and Damian who finally showed up. She slowly glanced at Ivan who also seemed to be taken aback.