"Please let me go, its not my fault."

Kyra was being pulled by the hair as she was being taken into the girl's restroom where she was about to be beaten up. This wasn't her fault at all, but she knew that pleading for help was just a waste of time because they surely wouldn't let her go.

"I told you before now Kyra, I warned you that the day you make Ivan and Damian get into a fight because that would be the day i sacrifice you to the main goddess. 

Those were the words Abigail had threatened her way before now. And all of these threats came in when they found out Damian and Danny made friends with her. Though a lot of students were afraid of the twins, but she still couldn't by deny the fact that they were greatly admired and called brave, since they were able to confront just anyone that wishes to cause trouble. 

"Since the day has finally come, I wouldn't hesitate to fulfill my promises "

There were two other girls who accompanied Abigail. They seemed to be her minions and honestly, it's no surprise to her that she controls those girls. They have always been there with her for like forever doing their stuff.

Kyra closed her eyes and prepared for her punishment which she was about to receive. 

Suddenly, Abigail pulled Kyra's hair backwards while the other students covered the opening to the sink through which water was to pass through and put on the tap. 

This was no secret that they were about to have her drowned.

"Please, don't do this to me, i beg of you, please..."

"Shut the fuck up! You should have know better than to cause the fight between Ivan and Damian. By the time I'm done with you, I swear Damian will be so disgusted with you. 

And that was all before her head was forced into the sink, making her cried and gasp for air. 

Kyra had no idea this was going to happen to her. She had never thought that she would die in the hands of Abigail and her friends. 

Kyra struggled to be free, but they just won't give her the opportunity to. They were hell bent on drowning her until there was no breath left in her. 

She struggled and struggled to a part where she began losing air really fast. She could no longer hold it. The water had entered her nostrils and her throat thereby making her unable breath. 

Just then, she began to loose herself little by little. They must have noticed that she was at the verge of death, and immediately, Abigail pulled her out of the water, and Kyra gasped and began breathing heavily. The water from her nostrils made her 

"Not so fast little monster. I'm not done with you yet, I'm only just starting."

"Where is it?!" Abigail yelled from behind her. Just then, the door to the bathroom opened and one of Abigail's minions brought in a scissors. 

At the sight of the scissors, Kyra went wide in shock. She couldn't understand what or why they were trying to use scissors on her. 

"What are you trying to do to me? Plese don't do this to me, I beg you."

"Awwn I feel so bad for you, not my fault that you were born this way. You should blame your parents not us."

Kyra shivered not knowing what was about to happen to her. She would have preferred being downed. That way, she didn't have to worry too much about pain."

A sharp object would surely hurt her. Why are they trying to kill her like this why?

"Now look in the mirror." Kyra refused to look in the mirror as she was instructed to. She didn't want to see the girl in the mirror. She was scared about what she might find. 

"I said look at the mirror you fucking bitch!" 

Kyra shivered and gazed at the mirror just as she was instructed. 

She had been avoiding the mirror all these while, she didn't want to look at the mirror at all, afraid of what she might find. But as it is, she has no choice. If she does not look at the mirror as she was told to, it was obvious that she would receive more pain. 

She stared at the mirror, and bend, the face she saw in the mirror was heartbreaking. She found it hard to believe that she was the one in the mirror. She doesn't look like the girl at all. Sbe looked like someone different.

The person in the mirror was vulnerable, worse than she had ever imagined that she would be looking. 

"Now watch as I cut your hair and mark your face with the scissors."

Kyra gasped, she never knew this was what they had prepared for her. They really wanted to make her look ugly.They were trying to ruin her face.

"Please, its better you drown me, do not use the scissors on me."

This made Abigail to burst into laughter. 

"Like said blame those who brought a wretch like you into this world.

Kyra peered through the mirror and her hair was tightly pulled up to be cut off by the scissors. Just as the scissors was getting close to her hair, she closed her eyes, and waited for it to do it's work. 

Just then, she heard the door to the restroom flew open, and everyone gasped. Kyra who does not know what was happening as her eyes were still very much closed. 

"How dare you do this to her!"

That voice! It was very familiar. Kyra quickly opened her eyes and gazed at the door throughout the mirror, and to her greatest shock, it was none other other Danny. 

"Stay outta my business, Danny!" 

Abigail yelled with the scissors in her hands.

"Out of your business?" Danny walked up to Abigail, staring at her eyeballs. 

"Just incase you don't know, princess Kyra's business, is undoubtedly my business too," Danny stated while takimg a glance towards Kyra's direction.

At that moment, Kyra could not contain the joy she felt at that point in time