Kyra and her father, laid, await for what is to come. She knew her mom will come to their rescue, but then it was far too risky.

Deep in the middle of the night, she woke up to the sounds of screams and growls outside. She quickly sprang up, moving quietly to the gates of the dungeon, where the screams became louder.

At that very moment, she knew her mom had arrived

Immediately she bolted towards her father who seemed exhausted and partially asleep.

"Dad, wake up. Mom's here".

Kyra, she shook him slightly from his little slumber.

In a few seconds, he lazily woke up at the call of his daughter telling him about his mate's arrival.

They listened quietly to the voices outside.

To Kyra's surprise, she heard the voice of someone familiar.

She began to ponder, if the voice she heard was really his or if it was just her imagination.

She glanced at her father, who seemed to be sober now.

" This is our time to break the locks"

"Yes, but I don't think I have enough strength"

The words came out strained.

"No worries, dad, I will get us out of here". She signals for him to get a little farther from the door.

Closing her eyes, she called out her inner power like she had always done. The moment she opens her eyes, the powers descended to her, surging through her system. With that, she hit the gate, and it immediately fell ajar, crashing down like it's been raised by a storm.

Alpha Griffin stared at his daughter in awe, not believing the enormous powers she possessed.

"Don't look at me that way, dad, I also just found out I could do this".

Meanwhile, Arthur got shocked out of his wits, when he heard the sound of the dungeon's gate fall.

So did Alpha Lewis and Jess, they wondered what was happening.

Everyone stood on high alert. For what they thought was coming. Suddenly, they became horrified at seeing Alpha Griffin and his daughter coming out from the direction of the gates triumphantly.

When Arthur saw them, he immediately commanded his soldiers.


At that moment, the war, greatly anticipated for, finally broke out. Jess, who had seen her family, began fighting her way through to meet them, whereas, some vampires charged towards Kyra and her father.

At the heat of the moment, Alpha Griffin, let out from his daughter's hold in other to defend them.

"Run!" He yelled, but Kyra was no coward, she knew there was no need of running as it has come to the point of fighting to the death.

The reason she came to the vampire kingdom was to save her parents, so she wouldn't run away like some coward, letting her parents fight the battle alone

Taking her place at her father's side, fighting off the vampires, devouring and sucking as much blood as she could.

She could see how weak her father was, as he couldn't shift to his wolf, owing to the silver chains he got tied with.

"Why won't you listen to me, Kyra?".

He strained himself to say with labored breathe while fighting off a vampire, who was about sinking his teeth to his neck.

Kyra quickly yanked the vampire away from her father, by hitting him so hard on the head

"To save you and Mom". Her father seemed to be speechless of what to say. He rather let out a long sigh.

Meanwhile, the werewolves, at the order of Alpha Lewis, all shifted to their wolf form, and began fighting the vampires.

Lewis wanted to go rescue his mate, but he has to defeat Arthur, for that was the only way his mate will be safe.

The moment Jess noticed the Alpha heading towards Arthur, she immediately pulled him to a halt.

"Let me take him, this is my fight".

"But, you must promise to support my mate and daughter, for I know you are my daughter's mate".

With that, she charged towards Arthur, leaving Lewis in an extremely flummoxed state.

First, he wondered how she knew about him being her daughter's mate. Secondly, she didn't even give him the opportunity to ask her further questions about why she would ask him to look after her family.

Whatever it is, Lewis felt it wasn't something good.

Now he had to find Alpha Griffin and his mate. While he was about going for them, Leon suddenly came, blocking his part.

"The guts you have to invade the vampire territory, wolf!".

Instantly, he stuck out his fangs visible as he walked slowly towards Lewis, in rage.

Lewis could not allow anyone to be on his way from saving his mate, so he lunged towards the vampire, and together they tackled each other to the ground.

Meanwhile, Jess had located where Arthur was, but getting to him was becoming difficult as the vampires kept rushing towards her in their masses


"Come after me if you dare!".

At this point, Arthur was fighting against Roderick, who he seemed to be overpowering.

As soon as he saw Jess, he gave Roderick a hard blow which sent him flying to the ground, he quickly

The battle had become brutal, Kyra defended her father the best way she could, just then she saw Arthur fighting her mom with the intent of killing her. At that momemt she became angered

She killed the last of the vampire on her way and took her father to safety, since he was still weak.

"Dad, I need to go save mom, stay right here", with that, she left him.

Alpha Griffin wanted to call out to his daughter, but the words could not be formed on his lips due to how weak he had become.

Kyra could not bear to fight through the crowd to her father, and so she summoned in her inner strength, to which she teleported instantly to the battleground.

Kyra became very surprised at her very own powers, which seemed to be getting stronger by the day.

Just as Arthur was about piercing his sword into Jess, her daughter took over by shoving off the sword from her mother's direction.

Jess gasped, at seeing her daughter taking over the fight.

She was surprised her daughter had become so powerful.

But then, witch Alaina was right when she said Kyra needs to be taught on how to control her powers owing to the rate at which it was growing.

"Mom, take dad away from here!".

Jess stared at her daughter, what she's asking for is impossible, she can't abandon her kingdom now, this is the moment they need her most, not to run away.

Besides, witch Alaina told her she didn't have much time to live.

She wished she could let her daughter and mate know, but she couldn't, they would set out to fight against her fate, which was bound to bring greater chaos.

She panicked, upon seeing her daughter battling, Arthur. At that moment, she thought of what to do, for she couldn't bear for any harm to befall Kyra.

Just then, she saw Arthur attempting to use the silver seal of a witch's breath to stab her daughter into submission, at that very moment, she ran towards them and just as she was about pushing her daughter away from Arthur, the dagger, meant for Kyra pierced through her heart.

It wasn't meant to kill Kyra but to weaken her, The dagger was used to rein the powers of the most powerful bred vampires, but for Jess, it meant automatic extermination.

Kyra became shocked, not believing what has happened to her mother.

"Kyra, run!!". Her mother screamed with her last breath. She froze, the sword in her hands fell off. Dropping to her knees, she

stared at her mom in tears.

Before her eyes, she watched her mom go up in flames, leaving nothing behind.

"No!!!." The sharp scream from Kyra invoked thunderstorms and lightening, her eyes, blood shot, the mark at her back shone in blue flames. Her screams made all the vampires and werewolves present fell to the ground, writhing in pains. Those weak vampires and werewolves, who couldn't withstand the screams, bled from all orifices.

Kyra screamed louder like she was possessed, and Arthur took to his heels but was quickly taken by the wind, which brought him down, as he hit his head on a rock which instantly made him unconscious.

Meanwhile, Alpha Lewis, also shifted to his wolf form, and the mark glowed. He felt the pain coming from the cry, and his heart hurt badly. He ran towards the sound of the cry. Suddenly, he became shocked to see his mate, who seemed to have transformed into an undescribable being.

Then the realization hit him. She wasn't a werewolf, but a vampire. He shook his head, not wanting to believe the sad truth.

Lewis watched his mate scream in pain, and he felt the pain too, but the strange part of it all was the fact that her screams made his mark burn.

The glow had become purely visible, even though it was well hidden with a thick black fabric.

He watched as the effect of her cries made even his warriors growl in pain

He began to wonder about the kind of Vampire she was.

At that very moment, he felt the pull to help her, but as he attempted to get a hold on her, the powers guarding her immediately sent him flying to the ground, making him go unconscious, instantly.