She had no idea where she was headed but prays she finds help before nightfall. The sharp pain she felt suddenly made her stop to peer down at her legs, only to discover that she had been walking on her feet ever since. 

Shit! Could it get any worse? Here she was struggling with how to get out of the woods. Whereas her bare foot was now a bleeding mess.

Mona looked around her, and found no one in sight. Well, she would still persevere until she was able to get out of the woods. She had been walking for more than 30 minutes, when she suddenly heard the sound of a truck. Were her ears kidding her? This has got to be the greatest trick of all time. She meant, why would a truck suddenly show up out of the blue? That was impossible. She didn't bother to turn back around, and rather increased her walking pace. Suddenly, the car began to hone at her. 

Mona still did not look back around. As far as she was concerned, she was still in the woods, and there was no way someone with a good heart would just show up with a truck. 

"Hey! Where are you rushing off to?" The voice. Mina suddenly paused from walking and slowly turned around to see who it was. And to her greatest shock, it was Jordan. She had no idea if she should feel about it or not. She just stared at him dumbfounded. 

He quickly jumped down from his truck and walked over to her. His eyes slowly went down her legs and were now bleeding.

"Oh man, you are a walking disaster!" Mona jistvstpod speechlessly. 

"I told you to wait until you are fully healed. And besides, do you even know your way around the woods? No, I greatly doubt that," Jordan stood for a while watching her speechlessly. 

The next thing she knew was him lifting her off her feet and taking her into his truck.

" You don't have to take me back there, please." He stared at her with a raised brow.

"Why?" She couldn't say the words and rather bit on her lips. She didn't want to go back for too many reasons and she had no idea where to start telling him.

"Did your refusal to stay have anything to do with what happened to you in the past?" She quickly raised her gaze at him, wondering how he came to such conclusions. 

"You don't have to look at me that way. I know you must have gone through a lot to be so determined on leaving rather than accepting to be helped." Mona became confused at that very moment. She really couldn't tell why Jordan was trying to help her, even when she had refused to tell him about her identity. 

"Can I at least know your name? You don't want me to be referring to you as a stranger all the time, do you?" 

Well, that's not hard. Because of the fact that he seemed like he had a very good heart, she would tell him.

"I'm Mona, Roland," she boldly said. 

"Mona..., your name is nice. So, Mona, just please let me take you back to the infirmary, please don't say no." She knew it would come to that, and she couldn't refuse at a point like that. 

"What about your brother?"

"Well, it's with a heavy heart I tell you on this day, that i am officially disowned by my brother.'

Mona gasped upon hearing this from him.

"Nothing to worry about Mona, trust me. My brother never ceases to disown me at the slightest of arguments, if you know what that means.

Mona shook her head, she had never once seen such weird siblings in her entire life. He took her back to the pack, and quickly got her to the infirmary where he stitched up her foot. 

"Now you will walk properly. Maya looked at her feet, which were now treated and in a bandage. She did not know how deep her injury was, not until he began walking on her feet. 

" You know what, you should feel at ease." Well, she's trying that desperately.

"Let me let you out a secret. My brother will surely come back to the infirmary. But when he comes,  do not show him that you are scared of him. Just confront him about anything he says and never look weak in front of him. That way, he would have a different perspective about you.

Why did it seem like what Jordan said suddenly sounded like going to confront the lion, and never let him see you as a weak person that way? He would have reason to devour you. Hell no, she wouldn't do that.

If he comes and tells her to leave, that's exactly what she would do.

Jordan left her in the room to attend to some actors, just like he had told her. Since she was in a bandage, she didn't want to walk around with her legs, limping. She looked around her to find out what she could possibly use to while away her time. While looking around, she found a needle which was on the table. She looked at her torn dress. She knew exactly what to do. She walked out of bed, and slowly approached the table where the needle was laid. She picked it up and found a thread on the corner of the table. Since this was the only dress she had, she might as well make sure all the torn out parts were sewed immediately. 

Moma quickly sewed up the dress. She looked at the dress, which looked more humanly, rather than a girl who had just come out from a serious battle. 

Suddenly, the door pushed open and she found a beautiful middle-aged lady with black her. She looked at what was in front of the lady. Only to find out that she was carrying a pile of dresses. 

What, was that for real? She stood transfixed, looking at the lady. 

"Hello beautiful lady, healer Jordan told me you needed some help with a few dresses." Mona opened her mouth and shut it, looking very confused at what she was seeing. This was so damn overwhelming. She let the lady make a few choices and she chose only a dress. The lady told her that she could pick as much as she wanted. But then who was she to seek more than one dress?

She's grateful to him for ever treating her nicely and even fixing her up while she was wounded. All the clothes she gathered for the day all looked good on her. She took them according to their colours. 

Blue, white, pink, black and lemon. 

The lady made her turn around, so she could help her by zipping up her dress.

"You must be very special to Healer Jordan. This happens to be the first time he was this attentive to a woman."

"Huh?" That was strange. Now she's curious as to why she was having the nice treatment, and not only that. She was wondering how he managed a boutique with her. Could it be that they have a company which deals with clothing? That was quite confusing. 

The moment the lady left, Mona began to wonder what the rogues really did for a living. It can't possibly be that they streak things from companies too right? 

Mona shook the thoughts off her head immediately. Even if she doesn't trust the rogue wolves, she should trust the healer. He can't be someone who deals in dirty business. 

His brother didn't seem innocent, and he looked so much like someone who would go through the extra miles of stealing. 

Just as she was thinking about the possibility of a dirty business, the door to the infirmary opened wide. Mona's heart suddenly felt like it would get ripped out of her chest.

"So, you came back, huh? And when the hell are you wearing my collections?

"Jordan will pay for this!" 

"You shouldn't always be treating your brother in such a manner. He is your brother, after all." 

Seeing his facial expressions the moment she said that, made her instantly regret her words. His face looked as though he had just swallowed poison and his ears seemed to be emitting smoke all of a sudden.

"Did you just say that to me?" 

"That's not what I'm trying to say. 

Hell no, she never said that. This was her saving her own skin before she got burned.

"Are all human girls as daring as you are? Not let me rephrase the question. Was this how rude you were to your mate that he became so sick to the point of abandoning you?"

What! Mona gasped. She felt like he had just opened her old wounds. Her mate abandoned her because she was rude? Does that even make sense? They were okay after dinner. How the hell did she turn out to be rude that he decided to abandon her?

"You are a godforsaken rude prick! I hate your guts! If everyone was to be like you, then I would rather stay single all my life!"