It was time for her face to he unveiled. Diane was very anxious yo see Joe her fsce looked like. She had been thinking about this day for a very long time now. 

Finally her face will be unveiled. 

"Listen Diane, no matter what your fsce turn out tobvd,you should not despair. What you should be more grateful for is the life you gave now."

Diabe nodded he head in response. She just couldn't wait to see how ger fsce was llokimg like exactly. Bjt nevertheless less, she woukd be haply enen if she's got a little scar. 

A mirror was placed in front of her, while healer Patricia unwrapped the bandage which was wrapped around her face. 

By the time the ladt later was removed, Disbe gaspe at the site in front of her. She stated at her fsce for 2 minutes.

"Arrghh!!!" Diane screamed out aloud at the fsce unnfrint of her.