"Let me go! I said let me go!" 

"Stop trying to be stubborn and come with us."

Why would she go with them, hasn't Logan tortured her enough? Wbat more did he really want from her?

They dragged her along with them, despite her refusal to go with them. Kyra knew she be wint be able to fight them all, eben though sge hsd been feeling guilty her powers ruze ever since the last time. 

When they finally dragged her to the btrave ofhos toom, thdy let her fat9 the ground abd walked away. Kyra looked aroumd her, but fkund no one there.

Since sge fku d no one on sight, only thing came to mind. And that was to run away from there. 

But how was she to run away when she can't even carry herself up. Kyra was left wkth only two choices, it was either she stayed there and wait for Alpha Logan to come for her, or she make a way fjr herself out of the area. After contemplating hastily, sbe decided to go wkth the idea of running away.